Twenty Seven

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Her eyes fluttered open to the light streaming through her curtains. She took a deep breath while taking in her surroundings, realizing where she was. Her own bed. Grayson felt content being there, snuggling deeper into the comforter laying back down. It did feel off not waking up at Hogwarts, but she'd be back there soon enough...

"Gao we're heading out." she heard her father call from outside her bedroom door, "also, I say you get changed and head downstairs."

That's when she remembered what her parents had said yesterday. Excitedly she hopped out of bed and rummaging through the piles of clothes she hardly unpacked. Finding a good enough pair of shorts and shirt, she left her room.

As she got to the bottom of her stairs she froze,

"Takashi? Yuri?" Grayson stood shocked seeing two familiar teenage boys standing in her living room. When her parents said they had a surprise for her, she wasn't expecting this. The two guys grinned at her, happy to see how well she looked.

Her two best friends from Japan were there right in front of her. She hadn't seen them in a year, because this time last year she was already with them. It seemed fitting for the three to be reunited now too.

"So our girl's actually getting married?"

"Yes, yes I am." She rarely talked about the people back home she left, it upset her, and it wasn't like they really impacted anything.

"We wanted to come see you before and all."

"Aw guys thanks."

The three all joined in a group hug, the two guys squeezing their friend. After, they demanded to be told of everything that happened this last year.

She had no idea where to start actually, so she began talking of her classes, love for Arithmancy. She went on about her friend's, and how the Triwizard Tournament was to take place. How Harry got chosen because a dark wizard disguised as a teacher entered him. The boys seemed so involved with her stories, wishing for this year they were at Hogwarts. But of course they wanted to hear about Draco. Grayson wasn't sure how to talk about him, but she made sure she did in a good light. Her friends knew who he was and wasn't surprised from her reluctance to accept the marriage at first, though seeing how highly she thought of him.. they'd like the guy too. The one aspect of her life she wanted to leave out was the drowning. Takashi and Yuri's faces twisted into anger hearing of that, but it was over and done with nothing they could do.

"You guys have a heck of a lot more fun at Hogwarts than we do at Mahoutokoro. Why doesn't anything like that every happen?" Yuri muttered.

"So you want the Dark Lord to show up at your school?" Grayson attempted to joke.

"Well obviously not but, we don't get any interesting tournaments..."

"Well Japan's not in Europe so I'm pretty sure your school couldn't technically be invited."

"Oh it's one of those things!"

The next few days blurred by for Grayson. Between her mother making sure her wedding dress was perfect to just altogether preparing her- it was a lot. But having two of her best friends around made any nerves disappear and allowed her to just have fun.

She was sure Draco would absolutely hate her hanging around two guys like this- but she had talked about them before so he should understand their importance. She honestly didn't worry about it too much.

"Hey be good, take care of yourself and we'll see you soon." Takashi pulled her into a hug, "we'd go but it seems like it's a pretty private affair."

"Yeah kinda." honestly even she didn't really know who was going to be there.

Having to part ways was sad, but Grayson stood with her parents getting ready to leave. Her stomach was churning thinking about the wedding in two days- walking down the aisle, seeing Draco- god she missed him.


Malfoy Manor was gorgeous but absolutely gigantic. It was elegant inside, every room ornate but still so gloomy seeming. Tinges of white, green, silver and black made of the house with old pieces of expensive furniture. She had never been somewhere quite like this place before.

She also hated being in the same house as Draco but not able to see him. Grayson found herself being kept in a guest room with her mom and Narcissa. They seemed to be all over her, making sure everything was perfect. Even Lucius played a role in putting things together.. but it made her smile when one night she heard Mrs. Malfoy scolding someone, only to hear her fiancé's voice, "but I want to see her!" it made her miss him even more.

It felt foreign as Narcissa held onto her with a tight squeeze, "you look beautiful dear."

"T-thank you." she stared up at her soon to be mother in law. There was a kind smile on her lips, pride showing in her eyes.

"Oh I can't wait for Draco to see you, he's been so excited for this."

"Yeah me too."

"Let's get you rested up for your big day tomorrow!" Grayson's mom said coming into the room holding some extra blankets. Chan got to know Draco and his parents even more and she was thankful to know her daughter would be in good hands.

She laid in bed staring up at the high ceiling just wishing she could fall asleep. Her excitement was high anticipating tomorrow, almost like it was Christmas eve again and she was waiting to open presents. She felt giddy but burdened in some way- her life would be someone else's now but it wasn't like she really had much of a choice now. At least her love for Draco would get her through those feelings of fear.

From his own bed, Draco lay awake staring out one of the balcony windows. He wondered how Grayson was doing, whether or not she was scared or excited. Wishing he could be with her desperately every part of him wanted to sneak into the guest room she was staying in- but he only had to wait until tomorrow.

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