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"Mum? Dad?" Grayson barely stammered out feeling insecure with pairs of eyes all staring at her. She felt like the odd one out standing in the doorway alone. Her grip on her books became tighter, knuckles turning white.

But then it sank in, she was the girl who was meant to marry Draco Malfoy.

"Honey come here." with a slight nod she walked slowly towards them, unsure of if she really wanted to or not. The Malfoy's piercing eyes felt judgmental on her small frame, especially Draco's.

"W-what's going on?"

"We should have told you earlier but we knew with your birthday and school starting, we didn't want to stress you out." Grayson's mother hoped her daughter could understand this. They didn't want this to be their daughters fate, but no one says no to what the Malfoy's wanted.

"We realize it is new-" Draco's mother stepped forward, a somewhat genuine smile on her lips, "but it is for the best. You're a beautiful young lady, rather fit for our Draco." Narcissa traced her finger against Grayson's pale skin making her flinch away.

"Your bloodline is probably the most uncorrupted we've ever seen." of course that was all Lucius Malfoy would think about, it was an obsession with that family.

Grayson's eyes locked with Draco's gray ones. There seemed to be no emotion in them, almost stone cold and harsh. She had never had an interaction with him one on one, only when she was around his 'favorite' trio. And she didn't like what she saw.

Chan and Liu hated having to watch their daughter being doted on by a family they desperately didn't want to be connected to. They could see the betrayal and sadness in their daughter's eyes.

"We should leave the children to get to know one another." Liu figured if the adults left, Grayson would follow suit rather quickly and get away from Draco. As her father he felt responsible for not being able to protect her from this. She deserved to find a nice boy, on her own terms, to settle down with.

"That sounds like a splendid idea."

Grayson watched the parents file out of Dumbledore's office. She desperately wanted to call out begging not to be left alone with the Slytherin. Her heart was already beginning to feel like it was about to beat out of her chest.

The fourth and third year stood in an awkward silence, not knowing what to say. For once Draco didn't have some witty, rude comment to say. Quite honestly nothing about Grayson bothered him. She was a pureblood and even students of other houses commented on how gorgeous she was. Her deep brown eyes, unblemished skin and long wavy hair made his heart skip a beat.

"I-I need to go." abruptly Grayson turned clambering away struggling to hold her books.

"Let me help you carry those."

"I'm good!" she hardly squeaked out. But she was stopped as a hand landed on her shoulder turning her around. Draco took her books and led her down the stairs. She didn't want to admit she was relieved to have the weight gone, but she felt worse for having help from him, "okay thank you, I'm good now." back in the hallway Grayson retrieved her books into her arms once more. She was on the verge of tears, a breakdown.

As she distanced herself from him he called after her, "hey! You do realize we're getting married right?"

"No! We aren't!"


It wasn't just the Gryffindor common room buzzing of the news, but the whole school, teachers included. The word spread fast about Draco Malfoy and Grayson Yang's engagement. It only took a mere hour since their first true meeting. It was like wildfire.

"She's been up there awhile now." Harry, Ron, Hermione, and most other Gryffindor students sat in the lounge with dismay on their faces.

"The poor thing hasn't stopped crying.." Hermione sighed, "Ginny hasn't once left her side yet either."

"This has got to be some sick joke." Ron threw yesterday's newspaper into the fireplace, "how could someone as sweet as Grayson be forced to marry someone like Malfoy! They're totally different people!"

"Draco's a grade one douchebag who doesn't deserve Grayson is what it is. I bet her family didn't even have a choice in the matter." And per usual Hermione was correct. Sadly.

"There's gotta be something we can do to get her out of it." Harry said, "I'm not too sure how arranged marriages work but-"

Hermione interrupted him, "they're so unethical nowadays! It made sense hundreds of years ago but you can't just marry off two teenagers to keep a bloodline pure. It's sick."

Meanwhile up in her bed, Grayson laid there as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. Ginny sat on the side of the bed doing her best to comfort her friend. She wasn't sure exactly what to say in this instance, but Ginny was furious.

Sniffling Grayson sat up, eyes blotchy and red, "I wanna go down to the common room, be with everyone." Nodding Ginny helped to lead her down the stairs holding onto her waist protectively.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared as Grayson entered the room,

"We love you Grayson!"

"Don't worry we won't let that Slytherin anywhere near you."

"Head up kid we'll figure this out."

Hearing the supportive words made her feel more relieved to know that no one hated her. Ginny said that it was stupid to think that way, but she couldn't help it.

Hermione gave her a comforting smile and patted the seat besides her on the couch. The older girl could clearly see how upset she was, having been crying for probably what could have been hours.

"I think I'll just kill myself guys... perform the killing curse on myself that is!"

"You might as well-"

"Ronald Weasley don't you say that!" Hermione fumed at the red head, "you will not be doing that Grayson. You have your whole life ahead of you, and we have this whole year to figure this out."

Knowing she had good people backing her up, maybe there would be a way out of this.

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