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"Do you think we should start looking at dresses?" Ginny asked, "I mean we have the possibility of being asked." all the girls were on edge about the dance. Fourth years and over knew they needed dresses but anyone younger only cared about finding a way to get asked.

"I think you two should. I know I will be." Hermione said, "besides we have two weeks."

"Who are you going with?"

"Me?" Hermione turned red, "you guys will see at the dance." Even with the two younger girls begging the brunette she wouldn't give in. The two were sure it wasn't Harry or Ron and outside of those two guys they had no idea of who it could be.

The three were resting in one of the courtyards begging for Hermione's help on homework. Their classes were done for the day and there really wasn't much left to do.... none of them noticed the Slytherin gliding over to their spot.

"Yang you free until dinner?" Grayson hadn't seen Draco in a couple of days, she was beyond nervous seeing him standing there. Especially after what Pansy said..

"I am."


"S-sure." Hermione and Ginny winked at her shoving her off towards her guy.

Draco placed one of his hands on the small of her back like usual and led her away. Her stomach was doing flips at his touch, cheeks starting to heat up.

They stayed silent for a little bit until Grayson asked, "where are we going?"

"Astronomy tower. It's private there."

"You know in three years I've only ever been up there once before I think. I don't remember it well.."

"It's nice, you'll like it."

It was a longer walk than she expected it to be, her legs growing increasingly tired with each flight of stairs they climbed. She wouldn't complain though not with the boy she liked right there not seeming to struggle whatsoever.

"So why did you bring me here?"

They went over to the rail and stood looking out onto the horizon, "it's peaceful is all."

"Oh look is the great Malfoy nervous?" he avoided making eye contact with her but a small laugh still left his mouth,

"Trust me I'm not."

"Then why are we here?" they were definitely becoming better friends she noted, they were able to be much more playful.

"Because," he took Grayson's hands gently into his own, "I wanted to see if you'd go to the Yule Ball with me."

She smiled feeling relief wash over her, "I'd really like that." she had been really curious if he was planning on asking her or not, or if he was even going. That was obviously the answer.

"Good. You better not have said no Yang." he winked. But inside he was beyond relieved.

"Wasn't planning on it Malfoy. Besides, if you hadn't asked I would've just found someone else!"

"I'm rather offended." of course Draco knew she was joking, but the thought of someone else taking her made his stomach twist.


A breeze blew through, "here." taking his winter cloak off he wrapped it around Grayson's form, "I don't want you to be cold."

"Wait no I can't-"

"No." even though it was rather large on her it did help from the cold. She still felt horrible having taken it but there was no changing a Malfoy's mind.

Making Grayson freeze in her spot Draco encased her in his arms standing right behind her as she looked out over the rail. She could feel his chest pressed up against her back, one hand on her waist and the other on the rail as well. She prayed he couldn't see that a smile formed on her lips. But what she couldn't see is that he had one too.

"Hey Malfoy..?"


She was hesitant to speak of this matter to him so she figured it was best not to, "never mind."

"No what's on your mind?"

"It's nothing-"

"Tell me."

"I shouldn't have said-"

"Seriously what?" his voice was laced with annoyance. All girls seemed to do this, brings things up then say it's no big deal.

"Do- do you think I'm nothing?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just the other day someone told me there was nothing special to me and brought you into it. I just- I'm rambling ignore me."

Taking ahold of her shoulders Draco turned her around to face him, "who said something to you?"

"No one-"

"No. You need to tell me." his eyes searched hers for answers thinking he could just see them. Draco easily picked up on how upset she looked.


"I'm going to kill her."


"No one talks to you like that." once again Grayson watched anger surge in his eyes and he suddenly was the same Draco the day he brought up the Chamber. But this time she also saw a protectiveness in his demeanor and her stomach began to do flips. Was it wrong she found this side attractive?

"I don't mean to talk ill of her it's just hard when she calls you a blood traitor and then brings up the Chamber and ever other thing you're insecure about."

"I'll say something to her."

"No! I-I don't want to cause any more issues."

"Any more?"

"I mean isn't it trouble enough that you have to marry me, a Gryffindor? The whole school was turned upside down by it."

"Well I don't care. I'm honestly glad you're the girl I get to marry. Yes we're still learning about each other as we go but so be it. You're going to be my wife and people need to respect that, especially other Slytherins."

"You really so have a sweet side to you Malfoy."

"Don't go telling people that Yang. You're the only one who gets to see it."

"I'm honored."

"Oh you should be." Grayson was glad to see he was more calm than a few mere minutes before. Maybe him getting worked up like this showed he cared- but what she really wanted ask the older student was if he had feelings for her. Romantic ones at that... her heart beat always sped up whenever she thought of being able to hold hands and kiss. She wanted that with someone special.

[I hope things aren't seeming too rushed, and that you're all enjoying the story! Always feel free to comment~~]

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