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"Hurry come on!!!"

"They're arriving!"

"We don't want to miss this!"

It was finally the night of October 30th, and the other schools would soon be arriving.. the Hogwarts students were gathered in the Great Hall with giddiness in the air. Word of how the schools arrived started circulating, about a ship that could go under water and a flying carriage. Grayson wished she had been there to witness it, desperately wanting to get a glimpse.

Soon the doors burst open and the girls of Beauxbatons came in.. beautifully they pranced about drawing in all the guys attention. They were all so graceful, their light blue flowing uniforms were perfect. In total contrast to the ladies, Drumstrang came in showing off their masculinity and power. Ron was blown away as the Viktor Krum walked in besides his headmaster.

The hall was filled with excitement until Dumbledore hushed them, "tomorrow we will choose the three champions from the three schools gathered here in this hall... also starting tomorrow the goblet will be placed here and students who are able will submit their names on paper. Remember on this road you will stand alone, decide carefully."

"Who do you think will try to enter?" Ginny asked as she returned to drinking some pumpkin juice.

"They'd be crazy to that's for sure."

"I say we hang around the cup tomorrow to see who does. Study there too."

Grayson liked the idea of that. She thought anyone who would voluntarily sign themselves up for this was crazy but she'd at least like to know who, "sounds fun."

Draco watched the Gryffindor table very closely seeing all who Grayson conversed with. He was curious to know more about her, he honestly hadn't known she existed until his parents told him of her over the summer.. his eyes remained cold, face stoic as he watched Potter accidentally touch her hand as they went to get food. Even the mud-blood carried on conversation with her.. Grayson was friends with the people he hated more than anything. Draco would not have his future wife being known as a blood traitor.

-the next day-

"It's not going to work!" Hermione rolled her eyes absolutely astonished that the Weasley twins could think that Dumbledore's age line would be susceptible to a simple potion.

The two of course didn't listen, and downed the drinks they concocted. Nothing seemed to happen, at first, as they jumped into the circle of the line.

Everyone began cheering as they put their names into the fire, until- Fred and George were thrown back and as they sat up laughter hit their ears. Long grey beards were adorned on their faces.

That was how Ginny and Grayson spent the rest of their day, watching students they had no clue existed put their names in the goblet. It was surprisingly a decent environment to write essays because after awhile people started to leave or just didn't care. Until Viktor Krum walked through the door, followed by his Headmaster of course. Everyone's eyes were always on the seeker, girl's fawning over his every move. As he submitted his name confidently he walked away ignoring the cheers. Grayson watched as Viktor made direct eye contact with Hermione- and she saw something there.

Seeing as there was only an hour or so until the champions would be picked, Grayson wanted to get some fresh air while on a walk. Hermione, Harry and Ron were heading to see Hagrid but Grayson wanted to get some alone time in.

Her life had been crazy, yet it never seemed simpler. Classes were like they had been the last three years, so that much was the same. But the attention she was getting now was not what Grayson ever wanted. But luckily for her, because of the tournament no one really seemed to care of her and Draco anymore. They were old news, simple gossip that only lasted until the next big story. And of that she wouldn't complain at all.

She walked along the path threw the courtyard by herself, the cool wind blowing through her long brown hair. It was peaceful until-


Turning rather quickly on her heel she frowned seeing who it was. Grayson wanted time to herself, not to spend it with a cocky blonde.. "yes?" it came out more annoyed sounding than she meant.

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

Quickly avoiding that topic he said, "It's a little chilly out, lets go inside." Draco actually had no clue what he wanted to talk about, he just wanted to see her.

"I'm fine."

"Don't be so difficult and listen to me. You should get used to doing so." There weren't any words to describe her frustration with his words. That wasn't something to say to anyone. "Anyways, I appreciated the list. Here's mine." Draco's list seemed much more thought out at he handed her an envelope, her name written out nicely on the back- her real name to be precise.

"Thanks Malfoy."

"Anytime Yang." The two stood in an awkward silence until another colder wind blew through, even harsher than the ones before, "let's go in."

"Yeah that sounds pretty good." she said with a weak smile. Grayson felt insecure walking besides the older student. Anyone who was left in the halls watched them closely waiting to see anything interesting happen.

Draco walked confidently as usual with his hands in his pockets. He glanced slightly to his right to see Grayson struggling to keep up. There was something he actually liked about her yet he couldn't quite place his finger on it... maybe it was that she obeyed his word or just kept her mouth shut about most things. He really could get used to this girl.

"Are you heading right to the hall or back to your common room?"

"I think I may stop at the common room to uh, freshen up.."

"Okay I'll walk you there then."

"You really don't need to." Grayson didn't want to inconvenience him or honestly be seen with him.

Even if this was to be political, Draco needed to be kind and gentlemen like to make sure she didn't totally dislike him. He was already looking to his future, not wanting a hate-filled marriage, "I insist."

Cynical // Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now