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Draco sat upon one of the couches in front of the grand fireplace in the Slytherin common room. Crabbe and Goyle were going on about the tournament, but it seemed strange how so many of his fellow house mates were missing. Pansy was no where to be found to bother him, neither were any of her friends, and even certain guys who would be fooling around were missing. There were no classes so there was no reason for anyone to be out and about until dinner.

The Slytherin's mind drifted off to Grayson, wondering how she was doing. He hadn't seen her at the tournament, though she was definitely there she wouldn't be missing it. Draco smiled thinking about her, seeing her smiling face etched into his brain was something he'd never want to leave. He missed her touch most of all though, not having any true time with her since Valentine's Day. The lingering glances in the hallways, soft hand touches as they walked by one another- it wasn't enough or ideal.

Voices started to hush though as Snape walked into the room. It wasn't very often that he came but when he did it meant it was about something serious.

"Mr. Malfoy, come with me please." his heart raced a little wondering what he could be getting called.. for once he was sure of the fact he didn't do anything to deserve detention.

"What's wrong sir?"

Once they were away from any wandering ears the Professor turned to him, "you may want to go to the hospital wing."


"Earlier, a few of your fellow Slytherins tried to drown your fiancé." the older wizards voice was stoic showing no emotion. On the inside he was furious though.

"W-what?!" Draco's fists clenched at his side.

"She's still unconscious but I figured someone needed to tell you."

After Snape was done the young wizard raced away from him. He didn't slow down, pushing anyone in his way aside.

How could someone do this? This couldn't be happening.. Grayson was a sweetheart, never wanting to hurt anyone. And now the fact that she couldn't swim came back to haunt her- and he wasn't there to save her.

His fiancé was still unconscious when he finally reached the wing. He was slightly out a breath but still walked over to the crowd around her bed. As much as he didn't want to deal with Potter and his crew, he needed to see Grayson... everyone turned and stared at Draco, not exactly surprised to see him there.

"H-how is she?"

They all shared looks with each other but Hermione decided to answer, "she'll be fine. Thankfully Harry got to her just in time."

He nodded while muttering, "thanks Potter." it was the first time anyone thought they'd ever hear those words. Harry was taken back by his enemies words at first, but graciously accepted them, "who did this?" his words sounded like ice now and everyone could hear that too.

"Pansy Parkinson." Ginny said clear as day. She wanted that Slytherin dead after this.

Draco took a deep breath in and then back out, trying to keep himself from exploding into anger. Seeing Grayson's frail body laying on the hospital bed broke his heart into pieces. The fragility he saw, she never had the chance to protect herself it all happened so fast.

He almost lost her.


It didn't take long for Grayson to wake up. It was around noon the next day when her eyes pried open to the gleaming sunlight streaming through the windows. Her mind felt groggy, her body weak. Madam Pomfrey swooped in on her to make sure she was fine, checking everything she could.

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