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In the following days going into weeks the young Gryffindor felt like she was on cloud nine. Everything she did she approached with a 'can do' attitude, and practically skipped where she could without judgment. She had no clue how some boy- older, blonde haired, bad boy... could have this effect on her. Even though they would be marrying in months time, it actually felt like they had a relationship.

Draco would walk her to classes when he could, wait for her to finish up her day and they'd sit and do their separate homework assignments. Grayson never realized how smart he was, his marks were amazing. If she got stuck he'd help and would peck her lips if she got something right. It was a system that worked and she loved it.

Luckily compared to Draco her classes were a lot more simpler as a third year- but they were still kicking her butt. Especially potions no matter what Draco tried to do to help.

"Figured I'd find you here." Malfoy smiled as he watched Grayson amongst piles of books in the library. She was working very hard on getting better marks and he admired that.

"Oh good a distraction!" she smiled brightly patting the empty chair besides her. She was dead tired after the last couple hours of studying before her only two classes of the day.

"I'm glad that's all I am to you."

"Well you are." they both leaned forward placing a kiss on each others lips, "sometimes." she added in as she pulled away.

"What are you working on?" placing an arm around Grayson's chair Draco looked over her papers.


"Aren't you an optimistic young lady."

"Not when I gotta get up at midnight just to go to Astronomy later.."

"Oh I remember those days." he smirked, which received him a smack on the shoulder.

"Shut up... and I hate that I then gotta get up to go to History of Magic! I just wanna sleep.." Grayson groaned resting her head down on the books. With a headache coming on rather quick all she wanted was to get some rest.

"I can tell, and don't get me wrong this side of you is undeniably cute but... it's time for you to get going to potions." she loved whenever Draco complimented her, he never did that for anyone, it made her feel special..

"I really really don't want to go."

"Come on, it's not that bad."

"Not when you're a Gryffindor!" Grayson defended herself. Snape clearly favored Slytherins because he was in charge of them and all, but that didn't mean he had to treat everyone else horribly. Yet he did.

"Let's get you to class, gimme your hand."

"Huh why?"

"You like holding hands don't you?"

"Well yes-"

"Then hold my bloody hand" the two took their time walking down to the dungeon since Malfoy made sure to get her well before class actually started. Grayson always feared potions, but ever since her and Draco started really getting into each other, Snape was nicer to her. Which was shocking but she'd take it.

"I'll get you after class."

"You don't have to."

"I insist, besides I have something to ask you after."

"Alright." he brushed her stray hair from her face and behind her ear lovingly. Who knew Draco Malfoy has secretly some sweet romantic at heart like this..

"Mr. Malfoy I suggest you head off to wherever you're supposed to be, I don't need you back in my third year class"

"Sorry Professor, I'll be off." Draco squeezed Grayson's hand before heading off. He always preferred leaving her in potions, feeling it was safest with Snape there..

"Miss Yang, today we're going to have a very exciting class, don't just stand there."


Potions had been hell just as expected. Especially when Snape assigned the infamous Undetectable Poisons essay. Grayson secretly hoped it was only for Harry's class year, but obviously not. She knew though she'd be getting Draco to help.

When class was finally done her and Ginny parted ways when they both saw Draco waiting. It was always surprising that Ginny loved the relationship- but that would only probably last as long as he was good to her. Giving her a wink the red head bounced off in another direction.

"Hey Yang."

"Hey Malfoy. What'd you wanna talk about?"

"Don't you get a Hogsmeade trip this weekend?"

"Yep, my second one! Super excited but I really gotta work on this poisons essay Snape just assigned."

"I can basically write that for you- but come with me, on the trip."

It wasn't that she didn't want to go with him, but she couldn't just ditch Ginny and the others. It would be more fun with her friends, not that Draco wasn't fun, but she wanted to share her first few limited trips with friends. They all had so much to explore together, "I don't know..."


"I just promised Ginny already and we uh have plans and we wanna see as much as we can." Grayson hoped this hadn't offended his massive ego, pride.

"I see." hurt crossed his facial features but immediately he composed himself, "you'll have to at least promise me an hour or so to walk you around... you do realize it's Valentine's Day that day too ya know.."

That holiday hadn't even crossed her mind once. She never did anything on Valentine's Day in the past so she didn't expect to now... "Would you take me to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?!" it was the one place her and Ginny avoided on their first trip, and probably wouldn't have been going to anytime soon. But Grayson was infatuated with the place and just how cute it was- it would be perfect for the 'day of love'.

"Uh.." The Slytherin Prince was not going to be seen in that frilly, tacky, joint that used lace napkins and china sugar bowls. No way would he want to spend time in the teenage couple tea shop- which wasn't even a cool place to hangout in the first place, "you- really want to?" 'please change your mind', he thought.

"Yes so much! It's so cute there and I love tea, please can you take me?" Grayson intertwined their fingers together giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

"I..." he sighed realizing there wasn't much he could do now, "can't say no to you can I?"

"Not on this!"

"Great.." he chuckled sarcastically, "not really one of my ideal dates, especially if we're considering it our first but.. if you wanna go we're going."

"Good! Also, no gifts okay. I don't like receiving things-"

"No I'm getting you something."



"Okay fine."

The two at this point were alone in one of the corridors and Grayson decided it was time to talk to her fiancé about something she had been wanting to for awhile, "you know Malfoy, I was so wrong about you.."


"I just... I didn't care about getting engaged but because it was to you I was scared and jumped to conclusions, and you've showed me a different side to you no one has ever seen. And I want to thank you for that. For being kind to me and making me feel good. It's funny how we've known each other for four months now but didn't start actually caring until after two. And I want you to have this, it's another facts list about me. A little more in depth though." she had kept the list in her robe pocket for a moment like this,

Draco seemed shocked by what she had to say. But for once there was someone who was extending their hand to them, who made him feel good about himself. He accepted the paper from her, "thank you... That- that means a lot to me Yang.. thank you."

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