Thirty Seven

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"I love you so so much..." Draco's voice was broken as Grayson held him in her arms, the letter he was once holding discarded on the floor, "please don't ever leave me..."

"I never will."

This wasn't the Draco Malfoy she was used to. There was no glint in his eyes, smirk on his lips, and no comments to make her blush.. She had never seen him cry like this, all life just drained. Grayson ran her fingers lovingly through his platinum blonde locks trying her best to comfort him..

She had no idea how he could have possibly felt. Her parents weren't involved with the Dark Lord and her father wasn't in Azkaban. But this still was her family in a way, her in-laws. It pained the young girl to think about this happening to them, it wasn't fair. She was only a fourth year soon to be fifth, and him a year older. They were still kids and so much seemed to be falling apart around them.


The whistle of the Hogwarts Express blew, shrieking through the air. Students bustled about ready for summer vacation after a crazy year at school. Things did end on somewhat of a happy note after Umbridge left and Dumbledore was reinstated- all those stupid decrees abolished.

Grayson was holding onto Ginny's hand as she scanned the crowd for her parents. Finally she caught them standing by the Weasley's, making a grin break out on her lips.

The girls excitedly made their way to their families. It felt like forever since Chan and Liu held their daughter, especially after their constant worrying throughout the year. The difference in Grayson was definitely noticeable- pale, skinny.. it was heartbreaking for them but this summer would hopefully be spent trying to make her better.

"Where's Draco honey?" her father asked,

"I'm not sure.."

"You two said your goodbyes right?"

"Yeah... he's just struggling right now." Draco now had to deal with the reality that him and his family weren't of 'high society' anymore, not with his father in Azkaban, and a known Death Eater. It was going to change their relationship drastically and she wasn't quite sure how to handle that.. seeing him look so lost and broken..

"Have him over to the house then." as much as her parents despised that family, they needed to show support to some extent. Besides they didn't even know Draco as well to begin with.. "and I think that's him over there with his mother."

"I'll be right back."

Pushing her way towards them she could already sense the sad aura around the two. It made her hesitant to approach them but seeing her husband was something she wanted. She wanted to be there for him if he needed anyone but truthfully she didn't know how he could help.

"Draco!" he turned to see the small brunette approaching and smiled softly. The grey of his eyes looked duller than usual.

"Hey love." it was a weak hug but his hand stayed on the small of her back as they stood side by side. Draco felt guilty that he couldn't show her much affection in his moment but he wasn't doing well. Even her smile wasn't making him feel happy like usual.

"Hi Grayson dear." Narcissa smiled kindly. She figured it would be best to leave for a few minutes to give them some space.

"H-hi..." Grayson took Draco's hands into her own. "would you like to come and visit this summer? To my place?"

"Yeah sure uh... yes, I'd like that. Besides I couldn't possibly go a summer without you." Why was he so hesitant? She could see the sadness in his eyes, maybe even fear too. It made her worry for him, worry about what this would do. She'd hate for Draco to follow in his father's footsteps, turn into the man everyone said he was.

"Okay good."

Draco leaned down and softly pressed a kiss to her lips, "I love you. Please don't forget that." and on that note he left Grayson standing there confused. She watched him disappear in search for his mother; as he got farther his blonde hair became harder to spot.

And that was the last time she saw him until the next school year- when everything changed.

[so my readers it's been a pretty long 37 chapters in my opinion. sorry this chapter is short but there'll be an epilogue.. thank you!]

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