Twenty Nine

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Grayson's eyes were heavy as she struggled to adjust to the light hitting her face from the windows. Warm blankets were surrounding her body. She felt groggy and out of it, but feeling weight on her, she abruptly sat up looking around, confused.. Laying under the sheets besides her was her blonde husband, looking up at her with a slight smile.

"Love?" his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back, lips pressing to her neck down to her shoulder.

"H-hi.." she said shyly, nuzzling herself into his bare chest. Clearly she could recount last night events making a blush creep up on her cheeks. He carefully brushed her stay hair from her face before gently kissing her lips. They felt soft, warm to the touch, and loving.

"I hated not seeing you these last two weeks. What've you been up to?" he didn't get to talk to her at all yesterday- they just got.. rather caught up.

"Just seeing friends." Grayson spoke contently as he placed his lips to the corner of her mouth. She missed being in his arms and with him- like this felt special though. They had never shared a bed before last night, "you?"

"Waiting for last night basically.."

"Aw cute."

"You know Yang... we're married now."

"I know Malfoy."

"I love you. This couldn't have come slow enough at all."

"Oh I know." Draco wasn't sure how to approach this moment. It was their first day as a married couple and he wanted to impress her more than ever before. She looked beautiful as her hair was laid upon the pillows angelically, parts brushing against his own skin. His love's skin looked pale, her eyes still droopy from just waking up. To him, Grayson was just precious in this way.

"Are you hungry? Would you like me to show you around the manor?"

"I'll do whatever you want." with a yawn she turned onto her side facing away from him. She snuggled deeper into the sheets.

"No no, you first." he insisted, placing his chin on her shoulder while re-wrapping his toned arms around her. Draco wanted to keep her close to him as possible.

"I am a tad hungry."

"Well then lets go get food in you love."

"Is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

As soon as the two went to leave the covers, it turned into a rather embarrassing endeavor once they realized any clothes once worn were strewn across the floor. Both the teenagers cheeks heated up as Grayson immediately pulled the blankets back over her body. Probably the only person to ever see her naked were her parents as a child- but now Draco had too. She immediately felt self conscious under his gaze wondering if she was.. good enough.

She kept her eyes down at the floor, until two fingers lifted her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet two grey ones. He had dressed in his regular dress slacks and shirt and she was even more sure now that he owned nothing else...

"You're beautiful don't worry."


"I know you love." he crouched down so he was eye level with her, "what do you want to wear? I can-"

She chuckled, "I'm not a kid Draco."

"I know just-" hushing him with a simple kiss she continued,

"Could you grab me one of my sundresses?"

"Of course."


Grasping onto Draco's hand with a tight squeeze she dragged him through the rose gardens in the back of the manor. It was beautiful back there, she had never seen anything like this and was quite frankly in love. Two weeks at the manor alone with her husband was purely delightful to her. It seemed like awhile but she was scared of the time racing by.

"Here!" plopping down on the grass she took Draco down with her.

"Oi you could've given me a warning!" the blonde scolded dusting any dirt off.

"Sorry! You know, I'm really happy to be here. I can't believe it's already been a week I just want to stay."

"You know you could right? I mean, my parents would be back but we'd still be together... I'd like that."

"I'd hate to overstay and I promised Ginny we'd meet up."

"God you wouldn't be overstaying! My parents both really like you..." Draco secretly hoped he'd be able to convince her to stay all summer, even if for a week she'd with be a friend. After this, it wouldn't be until school started in which they'd be reunited. He'd even miss her birthday...

"I don't know-"

"We'll talk about it more later, okay?"


In the back of Grayson's mind at all times were the words her mother spoke before she walked down the aisle. Her fear of evil, of her own in-laws was intense- as much as she wanted to like them. She couldn't speak any ill in front of Draco though, he was immensely protective of family, which was highly admirable to her.

Laying on their backs the two stayed hand in hand the blue sky lingering above. Draco couldn't help but look over at her, adoring her focused features as she contently had her eyes closed. He felt lucky being able to call her his. His chest tightened hearing her sigh, knowing for a fact she was happy. The young boy hadn't seen her seem so peaceful in a long time like this before.

Quickly he moved so he was hovering above her, their faces inches apart. Her breathing hitched at his sudden action, heart beginning to race. Grayson watched Draco's eyes linger down to her lips and only to softly lick his own, "Dr-Draco?"

Closing the distance between he carefully placed his lips upon hers. It started out gentle but soon grew more intense as the caress of his lips began to cloud her mind, his tongue tasting tentatively. A soft moan involuntarily escaped her as Draco's fingers ghosted up her sides. Kissing down to her neck, Grayson sighed in pleasure as he found the one spot that would leave her weak in the knees. He always knew how to work her up no matter what the occasion.

Separating, soft pants could be heard as they were both left wordless until Draco said, "I love you a lot and I think you should stay
here with me, for the rest of the summer."

"I-I don't-"


"Draco don't guilt me hun." she placed her hand on his cheek, "give me a few days? I mean, maybe having to wait until school starts wouldn't be a horrible thing."

"How could you say that? It would be almost over a month." he frowned.

"Well we'd be excited to see another and-" he cut her off with a kiss once more.

"Like you said, let's talk about this later."

[ahhh I hope you're all enjoying the story ^.^]

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