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1. My real name's Gao
2. My favorite class is Arithmancy
3. I'm not very good at Potions
4. Dragons are my favorite creature
5. Snakes are my least favorite creature
6. I can't swim
7. I take very good care of my skin
8. I was born in China
9. I have a Screech owl named Ying
10. I like holding hands

Grayson stared at the parchment and all she wrote down. She didn't want to give Draco super personal information about her, but just basic facts like these seemed fit. She was embarrassed to tell anyone besides Ginny about her confrontation with the Slytherin.

"Ginny! Could you read these?"

"Sure," she took the paper looking it over, "I think these are fine! I'm glad you're taking my advice about putting the hand holding one on there, he needs to know what type of contact you like.."

"I guess, it's just... you're sure no one's upset with me right?"


"I just don't know what to do..."

"We'll figure this out." it felt like everyone continued to say that to her, and each time it was like it became less and less true.

A fellow third year rushed up the stairs and into the bedroom, "come quick! There's a sign up talking about other schools coming!"

The two girls shared a curious look took off towards where everyone was headed to.

Students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would be joining them on the 30th of October. In the next week all students would have to help prepare for their arrival. The thought of seeing Hogwarts all redecorated and new was very exciting to most people. Grayson always wanted to meet students from the French academy.

And even bigger news than that was classes would be cut short that day. For some it would be potions, which was probably the best case scenario for any Gryffindor. Less time with Snape the better.

Grayson was glad she held onto the paper she spent days trying to get right when she spotted Malfoy surrounded by Crabbe, Goyle and other Slytherins. If she gave him it now they wouldn't have to spend any alone time talking, which would be beyond awkward.

"Just do it quickly and run away." Ginny pushed her in their direction.

"I don't want to go anywhere near them!"

"Just go!"

Mustering up the courage she took off towards the group. As if they could sense her approaching the Slytherins all faced Grayson, looks of annoyance appearing on their faces. Even Malfoy looked confused as to why she was there.

"Can we help you?" Pansy Parkinson snapped cruelly.

"Here." she thrust the paper towards Malfoy placing it into his hand, "bye." before anyone could say anything more the Gryffindor took off back in the direction of her friend, and to safety.

Draco stood in bewilderment as the short girl walked away, hair bouncing. She looked stunning. As everyone tried asking him what that was about, he only ignored them and opened the folded paper. The side of his lips twitched upwards involuntarily reading over the list Grayson had given him.


He wasn't sure how many times he re-read the list, memorizing every line and curve to Grayson's handwriting. Draco was very careful with the letter though making sure no one would come across it. He wouldn't want to deal with anyone giving him a hard time.

"You two don't even talk y'know." Pansy sat across from him on the other couch. News of his engagement broke her heart a little, so she would do whatever to make Draco not like her.

"That doesn't matter."

"Oh sure it does! If there's no line of communication then there's no relationship."

"Besides," Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass entered the common room exactly as Pansy had asked them too, "it's not like there's much to her except for her looks."

As girls they knew all there was to know about other girls, especially Grayson Yang. Her and the Weasley girl were the poster girls of pity during their second year. Except they didn't feel too bad for the at the time first years, they were Gryffindors after all.

"What do you want?" Draco was already done with this conversation, knowing the girls were up to something.

"You know those two stupid girls who opened the Chamber of Secrets?" Daphne said,

Pansy continued, "Oh well yes I do, her and Weasley! Apparently they almost died down there too!"

Draco never payed attention to who caused that ruckus. He wasn't ever worried about the Basilisk getting to him because of his pure blood stature, honestly he thought whoever did it was doing justice for the school. He didn't know Grayson was one of them.. "is this some joke to you? Leave her alone."

"Oh come on Draco.. there's much better people out there to marry." The girls all looked over to Pansy implying she was a better fit. Parkinson was furious when she first heard the news about the engagement, she was the girl who deserved to be a Malfoy.

"My parents have chosen her, it's not my decision. And last time I checked she's done nothing to any of you."

"Exactly! She doesn't even talk to other people, she is nothing."

Draco stood up, annoyed that these girls thought they could talk to him like this, "I barely know the girl, we've talked once. Let me form my own opinions." he retreated back to his dorm where they couldn't follow after him.

Of course he wasn't stupid, Malfoy knew what Pansy was up to. She had been following him around for years always wanting his constant attention, which quite frankly it drove him crazy. But yet he found it intriguing that the girl he would be marrying was one of the first years that opened the Chamber. Should he try talking to her about it?

He decided against that idea though. There was a part of him that didn't really care enough to. This marriage to him was only political and it didn't matter how the two felt about one another, it only mattered about keeping the bloodline clean.

Crumpling up the list he shoved it under his pillow discarded, he'd make sure she'd know that too. There was no room for any kind of emotions, no matter how great of a girl Grayson was.

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