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Draco had set the porcelain dragon at his bedside, staring at it lovingly. There was so much meaning behind its beautifully hand-painted body giving off the culture Grayson grew up in. He adored the feelings she put into the gift and wouldn't have wanted anything else. It really helped to show him just how comfortable she was in this relationship they had.

His walls were being torn down at such a surprising rate, and he was someone who always stayed 'stoic' through it all. Either taking out his anger on others never wanting to be seen as weak. But only to Grayson would he want those, more emotional sides of him to be seen. Anyone else he'd put right back into their place.

"Why did you fall for her? What's so special about her!? You constantly harass us like we don't matter but then she comes in and is suddenly your world. You don't even know her!" Draco clearly recalled the night Pansy had a breakdown after he called her out on following him. He was done with her antics but she found a way to twist things.

Of course he could understand to an extent, logically, where she was coming from. He only met Grayson this school year through an arranged marriage. She hated the idea of being with him, but then still gave him a chance. He supposed because she did that she deserved to see the best of him. And seeing she did find him interesting and made her feelings out to be the same as his, he wasn't afraid of letting emotions go free between them. His young fiancé was an easy going person who didn't judge, who just accepted him and others. How could he not feel comfortable with her and want to make her his world?

For once he had a no brainer answer to a question in his life.

Even in the short amount of time he's known Grayson compared to other couples and how long they date for, he wasn't willing to give her up. Draco wanted to have something that others would envy and that it would be his safety in a way. He never really had that with anyone before.

This had to be a blessing in disguise for him, just could it be too good to be true? Was it magically going to just slip away now?


It was simply two days before the second task and everyone was trying desperately to find ways for Harry to be able to breathe under water for an hour.

Grayson sat in the library having been enlisted by the trio. It was after History of Magic and she had time to kill before Arithmancy. No matter what she looked through nothing was helping though. Even with permission to be in the restricted section those books held so much that beginning anywhere was difficult.

"Need any help?" a Ravenclaw sat across from her, "you look rather lost."

"Oh uh, I'm okay. Thanks though."

"The name's Bryce. You probably haven't noticed but I'm in your Arithmancy and Charms class.."

"No, you do look a little familiar! Sorry I'm not super great with faces sometimes." she was sure she'd seen him before so it made sense they had classes together.

"Oh it's okay.. I was just in here and saw you really indulged in your books that you've probably forgotten Arithmancy starts in ten minutes..."

"What?! Oh god you're right thank you so so much for telling me." Grayson's eyes widened as she started gathering up books to put them back.

"Lemme help. We can walk to class together too."

"Thank you again you really don't need to."

"Eh don't worry about."

Never in a million years would she had ever wanted to be late to her favorite class. She was sure she would have been forgiven for this one time- but the thought was horrendous. The young girl was never late to classes no matter what. Thankfully for this Ravenclaw, Bryce, that streak would be continuing..

He was a funny guy that Bryce. Already she could tell he had a sense of humor and quite the act out attitude. But surely he was smart in some way.. since he seemed to lack right from wrong in his decision making palette. It was funny how she could tell all that stuff about him just from putting books away and walking to class.

"You're friends with Harry right?" he asked her,


"So you'll be watching the second task right? I'm pretty nervous for it, I can make stupid decisions but going up against dragons? Hell no. Who knows what's next."

She could agree with Bryce on that, "It's definitely hard to watch as his friend."

"I can imagine! But I hope this year things stay safe and all."

"Agreed, I mean this tournament has such a bad rep for student deaths.."

"You'd think they'd just keep it off to the side or for adults."

"I know right!"

Class went by fairly well. It was Grayson's favorite so she could've gone for an extra hour if it was allowed. This time she actually noticed her newly found Ravenclaw friend, who sat behind her diagonally. He was a rather decent looking guy with brown hair he obviously didn't bother to brush, blue eyes, and a small yet tall build. He seemed like a guy that would normally just fit into the crowd going unnoticed to all, much like her.

Even when he invited her to go meet some of his friends the Gryffindor knew she couldn't. She needed to report back to the library or try to find Hermione. Making sure Harry succeeded in two days time was very important and she'd hate to be the reason he lost, especially if she could have helped find something, but went off and dilly-dallied instead.

After checking the common room first, there was no sign of the genius brunette. Nor Harry or Ron. Luckily sitting on her bed up in the dorms with a book in hand was Ginny-

Grayson smiled seeing her best friend. As much time as they spent together she still felt rather disconnected from her world and she hated it. Without saying anything she went and sat on the bed with her friend. Neither of them spoke but words weren't really ever needed between the two.

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