007 groupchat + real life

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a/n: so at this very moment i am writing chapter 39 i believe and i realise that both kj and lili aren't able to drink legally in america. you may be thinking but they film in vancouver, i know this but when i first started writing this i didn't know i can't change it some of the plot depends on it soo just pretend that in america the legal drinking age is 18. i'm australia so this didn't even cross my mind. 😂


my place. now. alcohol is needed.

not gonna argue with that be there in 20

normally would question this but today was so long with shooting

what do you mean today. we got there at 6am yesterday and we left at 3:30am this morning. it's fucking 4am.

i'm coming

fuck yess

bring clothes cause you can't drink and drive so we can all show up tomorrow hungover at the same time.

being hungover doesn't sound ideal but getting drunk rn does soo be there in 15

coleslawwwww are you coming

yessss i'm like at your door now

oh i hear that knock

you drag yourself off of your couch and open your door to see an exhausted cole.
"holy shit, the bags under your eyes are nuts," i say to cole.
"thanks, here's some alcohol," he say passing me a bag.
"how'd you get here so quick," i ask as i take it to the kitchen.
"was already buying some so it just worked out," he says with a bit of a laugh.

i laugh in response as i grab a beer, i sit myself down on my couch and start talking to cole about what we filmed, we were both tired so our conversation was filled with gaps of us forgetting that we were awake.

i hear a loud knock at the door so i get back up to open the door and see everyone else there.
"how'd you all show up at once," i ask as they all walk in.
"we all went to the some bottle shop," camila says as she goes to the kitchen to put her alcohol down.

after an hour of drinking and all of us are pretty drunk lili says, "how about we play truth or dare."
"what are we five," cole says sounding the least drunk.
"yesssss, now playy," maddie complains.
"i'll go first," kj says volunteering himself. "okay truth of dareee lexia."
everyone's eyes turn towards me and i say, "dare."
"hmmm okay. i dare you to kiss cole. on the lips," he slurs like a dope.
"you don't have to do that if you don't want," cole says.
"nahhhh, its fine," i say making it obvious how drunk i was.

i scooted over towards him on the couch and leans in, as my lips touched his it made me sober up real quick. our lips moves in sync for several seconds until i pulled away wide eyed.
"okay my turnnnn," i say pretending i was still felt drunk. "okay truth or dare, lili."
"truth," she says shuffling in her seat.
"okay, hmm oh a good one. do you have a favourite person in our cast if so who," i ask.
"hmm, probably cami but that's cause we are pretty much like sisters," she say honestly.

the night drags on until eventually everyone is asleep in my living room, i look over them and then decide to go to my room and snuggle into my bed.

i've got to be at work in an hour i think to myself as i fall asleep.

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