029 real life

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"so how is living together?" lili asks as she sits down next to cole and i in the hair and makeup trailer.
"shhh, i'm tired," i complain.
"but we stopped watching brooklyn nine nine at ten," cole says slightly confused. "i mean we had sex, shes tired from all the sex."
"who are you saying that to," i ask as i take a big gulp of my coffee.
"everyone," cole announces with no shame.
"come on man," i say rolling my eyes. "anyway i hate your mattress, it's so lumpy. normally it is fine, but i think the good lump moved and now i have a crappy lump."
"it's not that bad," cole says.
"getting a new mattress is not bad either," i add.
"getting a new back isn't bad either," cole mutters.
"what was that?" i asked with a raise of an eyebrow.
"what, me. nothing," cole answers.
"mmm k," i say as i move to my makeup chair.
"is that lovers quarrel, i see?" lili asks with a laugh.
"oh shut it," cole replies as he leans over and flicks her arm

as the work day finished i went to coles car and waited for him to grab all the stuff he needed.
"so, can we go to the mattress store?" i ask cole as he approaches me.
"do i have a choice?" he asks.
"nope," i reply as i get into the car.
"why don't we use your old mattress?" cole asks as he begins to drive to the mattress store.
"because, i was just about to replace it," i say.
"but it is fine," cole whines.
"and you think your mattress is fine," i add.
"fine," cole says finally giving in.

"this mattress is heaven," cole announces with his hand interlocked in my hand.
"yeah, i want this one," i say as i roll over to face cole.
"then let's buy it," cole says with a smile.

we both get off the display mattress and go to the front counter for help.
"hi, we were just wanting to buy that mattress over there," cole says pointing towards the mattress.
"yeah sure, let me che-" the girl begins before he looks up at us. "oh my gosh, cole sprouse and alexia evans are here at my work."
"yes, that is us," i say with a smile.
"this is amazing, right i need to do my job. i'll just check if we have any in the back," she says as she begins to type away on her computer.
"cool, thank you," i say with a smile.
"hmm, oh here we are. we have one more in the back i'll just click reserve and done. how would you like to pay?" the girl asks with a smile plastered across her entire face.
"with a card," cole says grabbing his wallet.

the girl grabs the machine and cole quickly makes the transaction.
"before i take you to get the mattress , can i get a picture with you two?" the girl asks nervously.
"of course," i say smiling.

we quickly take a picture before she leads us to where our new mattress is being kept.

"okay, so getting this mattress inside was a pain in the ass but we have officially swapped mattresses," i say as i plonk down on our bed.
"and i officially have a really happy girlfriend," cole says as he lies down next to me.
"yes you do. i love you, you know," i say as i carelessly fling one of my arms onto him.
"i love you too," cole says as he grips the hand that i had flung onto him.

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