018 real life

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1 month later

"cole baby, wake up," i say as you try to shake cole awake.
"no, i don't want to wake up," cole groans into his pillow.
"you have to. it's the last day on set," i say as you pull the cover off him.
"so cold," cole whines.

i quickly glance around the room and see that cole has left his shit everywhere and get slightly bothered but don't bring it up.

"now," i say impatiently.
"fine," cole says rolling out of bed.

cole showers while i grab some breakfast but as i look around the kitchen you notice the same thing as in the bedroom, it is a mess.

"hurry up cole, we are going to be late,"i yell as you finish your getting dressed.
"im coming,"cole shouts back.

cole and i meet at the door and leave promptly straight for cole's car.
"finally," you mutter quietly.
"heard that," cole says as i slide into the car.

the car trip is silent and filled with tension, and as soon as we get to set we both go to our own trailers unlike how we usually go to mine.

after a long day of shooting i head back to my trailer and just sit down, quickly following me though is lili, camila and madeline.
"you and cole spill," lili says as soon as she enters the trailer.
"that obvious?" i ask glumly.
"yeah," madeline say empathetically.
"that morning he was just on my nerves, his house is a mess and he is always running late and i know i've known him my whole life and should be used to it but it is so different when you are in a relationship. i feel like we aren't going to last," i say sadly.
"you know what this calls for, a girls night out," camila says excitedly.
"i'm down just can i have a lift home," i say.

"sure i'll drive you and then we can meet at mine with the essentials," lili says bursting with excitement.

we all separate except lili and i, once we are in her car we turn up the music loudly and just sing along.

we all walk into the club looking perfect. we all make our way to the dance floor, we were already tipsy from pre-drinks so we didn't need or want to go to the bar just yet.

we jokingly grinded up against each other and just had fun, what i really needed.
"i need to sit down," camila says as she makes her way to a lounge area.

we all naturally follow and take seats next to her, we spend a lot of the night there order too many rounds of drinks and talking the night away afraid to dance again because camila in particular can't really walk.

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