022 real life

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a week had gone by, i sat down on my bed and scrolled through instagram. i looked at coles post, he was on a roadtrip. suddenly an idea came across my mind, i was going to go to his apartment and find out where he was going and i was going to meet him where he was going.

i grabbed my keys and almost ran down to my car and drove to his apartment building, he only lived five minutes away.

i flung open his apartment door, and went straight to his room. i looked around and noticed he cleaned it which made me frown, he cleaned away the traces of me. i looked on top of his dresser, that is where i saw it a list.

it was a list of places, i instantly recognised the list. cole and i had made it, it was places he wanted to take pictures. i flipped it over and saw something he wrote without me, it was the days he planned on going to the places.

brooklyn bridge. saturday. some time when the sun is setting.

i admired his writing, it was messy and it reminded me of him to the point where i almost cried.

i looked at the time. 7:42pm. i quickly check the what time the next flight to new york is.


i book the flight. it all happens in a blur, i drive back to my apartment and throw clothes into a suitcase. soon i'm driving to lax, then going through security and then i'm boarding my flight.

the entire flight i was fidgeting with my fingers, i was so nervous to see him. what if he didn't talk to me? what if he left me? what if he didn't love me anymore?

i find myself standing outside the airport waiting for an uber to a hotel that was near brooklyn bridge. i look down at my suitcase nervously, i look up and see my uber pull up. i scurry to the backseat not bothering to put my suitcase in the trunk but leaving it beside me.

the uber trip was long, it took about an hour. the streets of new york were filled with traffic, when i finally got to my destination i smiled at the uber driver and left.

i booked a room for the night, i got lucky they only had a few rooms left. i sat in my room staring down at the streets of new york waiting for it to be time to get to the bridge.

i looked at my phone, it was 5:32pm. it was time for me to see cole. i walked through the streets of new york alone, i had my hands in my pockets to keep myself warm.

i look up and see the bridge, i look and see a grass spot near the bridge and there he is.

i see cole standing with his eyes to his camera taking photos of the bridge, my breath hitches and i almost back out but my body goes on auto pilot.
"it's quite the view isn't it," i say to him making him turn to me.

as he looks at me his face changes expressions almost instantly, "w-what are you doing here. i didn't tell anyone where i was going."
"i saw your post on instagram and i checked your apartment to see if you left anything to show me where you are. you did," i say shuffling my feet nervously.

we stand their for almost a minute in silence before cole says, "why are you here?"
"i came to say sorry, i shouldn't have just left you, i should've have spoken to you," i say biting my lip.
"yeah, you should've," cole replied with a frown.
"i didn't really plan what i wanted to say but what i do know is you mean the world to me. you're my best friend, you're my favourite person to be around, i can't even imagine what my life would be like without you. i was an ass but i love you so much and i need you in my life," i ramble.
cole looks me in my eye before leaving his camera to hand from his neck and grabbing my face and pulling it towards his. our lips move in sync as if they had never spent any time apart.
"i love you too," cole breathes as our lips part.

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