035 real life

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madeleines pov

"wow, they literally are obsessed," i say laughing while laying down on top of the covers next to kj.
"yeah, it's crazy," kj laughs.

i keep ahold of my phone and go out onto the balcony and sit where kj showed me and people watch, it is really relaxing.

after 10 minutes kj comes and sits with me except he is wearing tracksuit pants and a white tee shirt, which i assume is his pyjamas.
"hey," he says as he sits down.
"hey," i sat with a smile before looking back down.
"what's up," kj asks sensing something was off.
"just thinking," i say cryptically.
"okay, what about," kj asks.
"promise not to make fun of me," i ask making kj nod. "well, just about how i wouldn't mind dating you."
"you like me?" kj asks surprised.
"yeah, something like that. it's probably stupid to you," i laugh.
"nah, to be completely honest i've liked you since i met you. you're just really nice," kj says blushing.
"thanks," i sat with a sincere smile.
kj looks up from the streets and at me then ask, "mads, what does this mean?"
"i don't know, but i like it," i say with smile.

i get up and go towards kj and sit on his lap and look at the streets in his warm embrace.

"i want to do something," i say suddenly.
"what do you want to do?" kj asks.
"i dunno, go for a walk," i suggest.
"it's almost midnight," kj points out.
"that's alright," i say getting up.
"i'm gonna get changed," kj says as he goes towards his suitcase.
"same," i say going towards my suitcase.

i find a pair of black tights but i just can't find a shirt so as kj goes into the bathroom room i grab a shirt and hoodie from his suitcase. kj was changing in the bathroom so i changed in the walk in wardrobe.

"is that my hoodie?" kj asks as i leave them closet.
"yup, also your shirt. matched my outfit best," i say with a smirk.
"let's go," kj says as he walks out of the door.

we find ourselves walking along the waters edge with a nice view of the water and the harbour bridge. i grab kjs hand which at first surprises him but like me he melts into it.
"you realise we are the weird people we usually watch now," i point out.
"yeah," kj laughs.
"let's stop here and sit at the bench," i say pointing to a bench 5 metres in front of us.

we sit down and i put my head on kjs shoulder.
"you know, i really like you," i say looking out at the water.
"i really like you too," kj says.

i lift my head off kjs shoulder and look at him and before we know it we are both leaning in and my lips press against his surprisingly cold lips that taste of cherry vanilla.

suddenly we hear a gasp, we part our lips and see a very surprised lili.
"hey guys," lili says wide eyed.
"whatya doing," i ask biting my lip.
"couldn't sleep so i decided to go on a walk," lili says.
"seems to be a common idea," kj says.
"yeah, so when did that happen?" lili says asking the question kj and i had both been expecting.
"oh, tonight," i say. "it's new."
"does this mean i'm first to know," lili says excitedly.
"yes," kj says with a shiver from the cold wind.
"yes, i just won me some money. casey bet me ten bucks that nothing would happen until tomorrow and cami bet 10 bucks that she'd be first to know," lili say very accomplished.
"you were betting money on us?" i ask with a laugh.
"yeah, we saw this coming after the flight," lili laughs. "anyway, i'm going to go back. i'm freezing."

kj and i wave her away and i bite my lip to hide a laugh.
"so it didnt take long for people to find out," kj says looking at me.
"how did cole and alexia even hide it at all," i laugh in wonder.
"i don't know," kj says before he presses his lips against mine again.

we all sat at a pancake house and we're eating pancakes, kj and i figured lili had told everyone so we were very quiet.
"so anything interesting happen last night?" casey asks.
"well, i went on a walk," lili says with a smirk. "and i was walking along the harbour when i saw kj and mads sitting on a bench, together, very close too. so close that their lips were touching."
i cringe at how awkwardly lili had said it while kj took a giant bite of his pancakes to avoid talking i assume.
"what!" cami says surprised.
"when did this happen?" lex asks as i feel kjs hand reach for mine under the table.
"last night," i say before eating some food.
"i approve," cole shouts.
"dammit i owe lili money," casey sighs.
"same," cami says with a laugh.

so as you know this book is my baby and i adore it but i have another book which i uploaded the first chapter today, it's called hidden heroes and it's a peter parker fanfiction so if you want to go read the first chapter go ahead.

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