033 real life

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"please buckle up your seatbelts and prepare for landing," an air hostess says into a microphone.

i do up my seat beat as well as coles seatbelt because he was sleeping. he had, had his head on my shoulder for the last two hours of the flight.

"cole, time to wake up," i whisper to a sleeping cole.
"nooo, i'm tired," cole groans.
"i don't really care," i whisper back.
"the tone of your voice and the words coming out of your mouth are polar opposites," cole says as he lifts his head off my shoulder.
"i am very aware," i laugh.

cole flicks me in the arm beginning a war of flicking, it was short lived because cole began to tickle me. my biggest weakness.

"this is a nice hotel," maddy says as we all enter the lobby.
"yeah, and we have a cool view of that bridge," kj says turning to point at it.
"it's called the sydney harbour bridge ass wipe," cole says rolling his eyes at kjs stupidity.
"shut up," kj says.
"watch it keneti," cole replies.
"okay you two need to stop being five year olds," i say as i walk towards the front desk to check in.
"our booking should be under the name of madeline petsch," maddy says to the receptionist.
"ahh yess, you have 5 rooms," the receptionist says.
"it should be 6," maddy says confused.
"it has a note here saying that 6 rooms weren't available but we upgraded on of your single rooms into a king sized room to make up for the matter," the lady says.
"oh, okay. can we have the key cards," maddy says slightly bothered.

the receptionist passes over a one keycard for the singles rooms and two for the king rooms.

"okay so who going into the king room together," maddy asks as we sit down in the lobby.

suddenly a kid runs past us making someone shout, "NO RUNNING IN MY LOBBY."

a/nhad to slide that in 🙈🙉🙊a/ni'm editing this and i still find this so funny

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had to slide that in 🙈🙉🙊
i'm editing this and i still find this so funny

"well lex and i get one of the king rooms," cole says.
"why do we just go and do a random name generator real quick," cami says.
"sure, i'll do it," kj says.

kj quickly types a few thing into his phone, "okay so the first single room goes to cami."
"yess," cami says with a smile.
"next single room goes to, casey," kj says. "the last single room goes to lili, which means mads and i are sharing the king room."
"thank god, i did not want to be stuck with you kj," lili says with a smirk.
"he's not that bad," mads says as she gives out our key cards to our room. 

"can't believe that kj and mads have to share a room," i say as i sit down on the bed.
"what i can't believe is that our room are all so far apart," cole says sitting next to me.
"true, but that isn't a really a bad thing is it," i say before i kiss cole.
"no, not a bad thing," cole says with his forehead still against mine and our lips an inch apart.
"so, what do you want to do with the rest of the day," i ask cole still really close to him.
"kiss you some more but then definitely get to early to avoid jet lag as much as possible," cole says before pressing his soft lips against mine.

madelines pov

i sat at the edge of the bed taking off my white converse while kj used the bathroom, i looked around the hotel room, it was really nice. it had an amazing view of the harbour bridge and even of the opera house, i grabbed my phone and sat next to the floor to ceiling window.

"nice view ay," kj says as he suddenly leaves the bathroom.
"yeah, the bridge is so pretty," i say pointing at it.
"come to the balcony, i want to show you something," kj says as he slides open a large glass door onto a small balcony fenced with glass so we could see through them. "okay so if you sit right here and look down you get a perfect view of the streets. which isn't as pretty as the bridge and the water, but has a lot more stories to it."

i sit down where kj pointed to and looked down, he was right it was interesting, "do you do this often?"
"yeah, when i'm bored in hotel rooms i like to people watch," kj says as he leans his head against the glass.

i actually followed through. normally i'm a shithead and i don't do you're welcome 😂

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