043 real life

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Time stopped. Cole realised that his soulmate was gone.

Ten minutes before, Alexia looked up at Cole and she said, "Cole, I'm not going to be here for much longer. I need you to be strong, just know I love you so much."
"No, no, Alexia, don't you'll get through this," he whimpers.
"Cole, please," she replies with tears in her eyes.

Time stopped when he realised she wasn't going to make it, he realised he would has to live everyday on without his best friend. His lover. His soulmate. He never thought he find someone as perfect as she was and he never will, he will happily remember that even though he will live without she will have died without suffering the death of a soulmate.

The last last ten minutes were quiet, the room was filled with tense air. Everyone knew without saying what was going to happen, Cole never let go of her hand. They looked into each other's eyes with love.

'Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep,' the monitor begins as she flatlines.

Doctors and nurses rushed into the room and surrounded her bed, but no one moved Cole from holding her hand and crying into it.

It ended.


Alexia Evans was pronounced dead.

She didn't win.


So this sucks and I don't know how to write emotional things.

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