021 real life

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kj stayed for and another hour but then had to leave because cole had texted him asking where he had been.

for the rest of the day i'd stayed in watching netflix and eating ice cream. i had only gotten up from my bed to get more ice cream or water. it had suggesting that i watch riverdale at which i laughed because i am in riverdale, i decided to watch it.

as i hear cole voice my body shakes and if my eyes hadn't dried up tears would have fallen down my face. i fell asleep that night while watching riverdale.

i woke up to see that lili, camila and maddie had let themselves in but had also gone shopping for me.
"good morning sleepyhead," lili says as she notices me wake up.
"hey, what are you doing here," i ask tiredly.
"well, we went grocery shopping for you, stocked up on ice cream. kj told us what happened so we came over immediately," camila says with a smile.
"thanks," i say sitting up.
"how are you holding up?" maddie asks.

"well netflix said i should watch riverdale last night so i did and if i could have cried anymore, i would have when i heard cole's voice. i hate this, not only have i lost my boyfriend, i lost my best friend," i say glumly.
"hmmm, what do you want to do to take your mind off things," camila says sitting next to me.
"well when i had breakups when i was younger cole and i," i begin but trail off at the mention of cole.
"awh honey, you and cole were so close you did everything together we need something new," lili says.
"yes we should go out," maddie says.

"i don't really want to go out, i don't want to drink away my problems anymore," i say.
"well, what do you want to do?" camila says.
"i don't know. something productive, like redecorating my apartment. i've wanted to do that for ages," i say with a sudden smile.

"okay, we have the supplies," a shopped out lili says.
"lets start with the kitchen," i say.
"what color did we pick for the kitchen," maddie asks.
"dusty turquoise," i say.

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