014 real life

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1 month later

cole and i were sitting on his couch, i was throwing popcorn at him trying to get him to catch it with his mouth.
"you suck at catching," i laugh.
"you suck at throwing," he complains.
"excuse me, i am fantastic," i reply with sass.
"where?" cole says pretending to look.
"right here," i say before tipping the rest of the popcorn on him.
"why would you do that?" cole says annoyed.
"you burnt the popcorn and i didn't want to seem rude?" i suggest as an excuse.
"well, you have to clean that," cole say sternly almost laughing.
"or i could do this," i say crawling from one end of the couch to the end he was on and wrapping my legs around him.

i press my lips against his and kiss him, at first he hesitates but finally gives in and when he does it gets passionate. he puts his hand in my hair while my rest on his back, slowly i begin to lean backwards as cole pushes me backwards.

soon enough cole is on top of me kissing me, his pulls at my shirt and lifts it over my head only parting his lips form mine for several seconds.
"cole, can we move. i'm pretty sure i have popcorn in my hair," i say out of breath.
"yeah," he smiles.

i feel his hands wrap around my body so i wrap my legs around him as our lips lock.

"so, we did that," cole breathes heavily looking at the roof.
"yeah, our friendship is ruined. thank fuck we are dating," i breathe adjusting the covers to cover my boobs.

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