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alexiaevans:you mean so much to me you don't even understand, i'm so lucky to have even been lucky enough to have had lived next door to you for my entire childhood and become your friend

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you mean so much to me you don't even understand, i'm so lucky to have even been lucky enough to have had lived next door to you for my entire childhood and become your friend. now i'm blessed enough to be your girlfriend. you make my life and my heart whole with everything you say to me and everything you do. if i could even begin to explain to you how much you mean to me we'd be here for years, but i can say i love you. i love our adventures, our dates, our nights in, being on set with you, fucking around with you, for gods sakes even arguing with you. did you know when you're annoyed you scrunch up your hair with your hand, did you know when you look at pizza you smile so much that anyone would think you were in a relationship with it. did you know when your confused you scrunch up your nose, or when your nervous you play with your hair more than usual. did you know that when you wake up you have a morning voice which is really fucking cute, or even that you know you can't cook for shit and you will try anyway and it's adorable. did you know you make me happier than anyone else on this planet, did you know that the past almost 11 months have been the best months of my life. did you know i love you even if i forget to say it. heres to our forever.
tagged: @colesprouse

likes: 652.7k

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colesprouse:i looked into her eyes and saw everything i wanted in my future

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i looked into her eyes and saw everything i wanted in my future. i saw all the small things, the way you tuck your hair behind your ears when you are talking about something you love, the way your face lights up when you see coffee, the way you bite your lip when you are reading your script. the way you smile at the ground when you are blushing, the way you walk when you are excited, it's like a skip and a dance. the way you wake up and smile at me even if there is nothing to smile about, the way you can light up a room no matter what. i saw all the big things too, like your goofy grin when you say a ridiculous pun that is incredibly cheesy and your ass. i know that everyday i'll wake up and will see your hazel eyes that put me into  a daydream. here's to our forever.
tagged: @alexiaevans

likes: 637.9k

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