important. a/n

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so. i understand i you don't want to read this but it would mean a lot to me and will explain some things for you.

my uploading is always out of the place, i go days without uploading then sometimes i upload five in a day. mind you i'm always on wattpad reading so if you do want to slide me a message i'll reply but writing is different.

at this point i refuse to post something i'm not happy with, at the moment writing has been hard for me especially with the point i'm at in my life. i don't share this with many but let's be real i don't know you all ( love to get to know you so message me and if my wife hurries up and reads this) so this makes it easier to say.

i suffer from depression and anxiety. both are very difficult, i try my hardest to stay positive which in itself is exhausting but both of these can effect my mood and also my sleep. they are both exhausting, they make me always tired which makes writing harder. especially because i also have trouble sleeping. this point is, im trying my hardest to balance school, writing, other hobbies and just life in general and what usually happens is i usually do what i see as most important which for me at this point is school. for those curious i am fourteen and am in year 9 which i believe equates to a freshman in america.

thank you for the constant support, and i hope you all understand and please remember i try my hardest.


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