024 real life

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1 week later

camila, cole, kj, lili, maddie, casey and i walked up to the building where we were about to go get interviewed which is always fun.

"here we have have the cast of riverdale," the female reporter says with enthusiasm. "can we quickly get your names and you play on the show."
"i'm kj apa and i play archie andrews," kj says with a smile.
"i'm lili reinhart, and i play betty cooper," lili says happily.
"i'm camila mendes, and i play veronica lodge" camila say while flashing a dazzling smile.
"i'm cole sprouse, and i play jughead jones the third," he says with a slight laugh at the name.
"i'm madeline petsch, and i play cheryl blossom," maddie says while pushing some of her hair over her shoulder.
"i'm casey cott, and i play kevin keller," casey says looking vaguely towards the camera.
"i'm alexia evans, and i play rebecca cassidy," i say smiling.

"okay so, who was the last to be casted," the reporter asks.

"i was," i say raising my hand.
"do you know why?" the reporter follows up.
"well as you know i play rebecca cassidy, she is one of cheryl minions. i had auditions only because cole had and i don't think they planned on adding rebecca but they did and here we are," i say with a smile.
"so cole made you audition?" she asks.
"no, cole and i were meant to hang out then he found out about the audition and he knew he wanted to go so i just tagged along," i say looking in cole's direction.

"you guys just finished shooting, but when did you find out who was the murderer," she asks.
"we found out who the murderer was just before we filmed episode 12 and we were pretty surprised," lili says.

"who are the people who prank other people the most?" the interviewer inquires.
"definitely cole and i," i laugh.
"yeah," cole agrees.

"speaking of cole and alexia, you are couple. how did that happen?" she ask causing cole and i to turn a deep shade of pink.
"awh look at them, they just turn into little strawberries," lili says with a laugh.

"ha ha very funny lili, but back to the question. cole and i have known each other since we were little, like we met when i was 3 and cole was 4 so when we were both casted on riverdale we spent a bunch of time together but realistically if we weren't on riverdale we would have spent our time together anyway. how it happened will forever be our casts secret," i say making everyone laugh especially kj.
"yeah, i've known lex since she was a wee little baby. she was a lot cuter then if i'm honest," cole says laughing.
"i hate you," i say trying not to laugh.

"you love me and you know it," cole says smirking cheekily.

"that is all we have time for today but thank you," the reporter says with a large smile.

as we leave the building camila says, "wow colexia really takes that spotlight."
i roll my eyes.
"oh my god, did you guys see that. they both just rolled their eyes at the same time," kj says.
"well, we can both sense stupid at the same time," cole says  making me laugh.

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