009 texting + real life

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okay this is so much better i'm crying. my crops have flourished, my skin has cleared, my grades are amazing.

hey lex

can you text me

please you know we have to talk


read at 7:09pm


guys i have a problem


you aren't answering cole. why?

how'd you know?

cole told kj who told me



you like cole

it all makes sense

when you kissed you caught feelings

yeah something like that. what DO I DO

talk to him

as much as you hate it she's right

youre probably driving him mad

i throw my phone onto my couch and begin to pace back and forth, i consider all the pros of dating cole, then the cons. i was stuck at one thought, what if we broke up? i couldn't bare the thought of not having cole in my life.

i hear knocks on my door, they were fast and filled with concern. i instantly knew it was cole. i open my door and my suspicions are confirmed, i see cole with a look of relief rushing across his face as he runs his hand through his hair.
"hey," i say biting my lip nervously.
"hey," cole replies awkwardly.
"i'm sorry, i should have answered your texts," i gush apologetically.
"no, no, don't worry about it. i'm just glad you're okay," cole says before wrapping his arms around me.

i melt into his hug, i feel my heart fasten, my newly discovered feelings were not able to be ignored.
"cole," i whisper pulling away from him.
"yeah," he replies calmly.
"i-" i begin but it was as if i lost the ability to speak.
"what?" he asks.

at this very moment i knew i wanted to take the risk, i suddenly found the courage to kiss him. i found myself on my tippy toes giving him a peck on the lips. i pull away seeing his face is bright red.
"i just wanted to try that," i say shyly.
"you kissed me," cole says in shock.
"yeah. i kissed you," i reply nervously.
"why?" cole says still confused.
"i don't know, it's just that when i kissed you the other night i felt something and that is something you're definitely not meant to feel with a friend. i'm so stupid, i should have ignored it," i ramble tripping over my words as i turned around i put my hands over my face in embarrassment.
"lex," cole says following me.
"i'm so sorry, i just thou-," i begin before i feel cole lips against mine.

before i know it we are kissing with passion against a wall, my hands are draped lazily over coles shoulders and softly around his neck. his hands on the other hand are wrapped around my waist pulling me towards him if it was even possible.

cole pulls an inch away and he catches his breath.
"so, this is new," i say quietly.
"yeah," cole breathes.

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