031 real life

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"cole are you packed?" i shout from the bedroom.
"no," he shouts back from the lounge.
"cole, i've been telling you to pack all day we leave for the airport in three hours," i say emerging from the bedroom to see cole lying on the couch on his phone.
"but i hate packing," he whines.

i walk to the couch and grab his hand and drag him to the room and put his suitcase on the bed.
"okay, you are going to pack. right now. until you finish packing you cannot go on your phone or kiss me. your two favourite things," i say with a smirk.
"fine," he groans with a smirk.

i zip up my suitcase as cole goes through his half of the wardrobe and grabs clothes that he should pack.
"i hate packing," cole groans as he shoves some clothes into his suitcase.
"if it makes you feel any better, i packed your toiletries with mine so you don't have to pack them yourself," i laugh.
"thank you," cole says with a cute smile.
"your welcome," i say biting my lip.
"i love you," cole replies.
"i lo- wait you are just trying to get me to help you. not happening," i say as i cross my arms.
"lame," cole says as he throwing a few things from his drawers into suitcase.

"i'm done," cole says suddenly.
"show me," i say getting up from the bed and going towards his suitcase.
"i'm not five," cole whines.
"yes, that is true but you sure act like you are," i laugh.
"fine. look," he says dramatically throwing his arms around in around to gesture the suitcase.
"okay drama queen," i laugh at him.

i go through his suitcase and see that he actually packed everything really well.
"hey, why do you have this," i say pulling out a bracelet i made him when i was like ten.
"oh, that," cole says snatching the bracelet from my hands. "i um kept this from when we were little."
"i made it for your eleventh birthday," i say with a smile.
"yeah, i know," cole says as he puts it in his pocket.
"why do you still have it?" i ask with a smile.
"well, i had a major crush on you when i was little and i never said anything about it and," cole trails off.
"that is super sweet, also mega cheesy," i laugh.
"yeah, super cheesy," cole says with a laugh. "you know i wore it everyday until i was about fourteen. i wore it on my ankle but i had to take it off or else it would've cut off circulation to my foot. i never took it off, not even when shooting suite life. it really bothered people so i had to hide it with my sock."

i smile and wrap my arms around cole, cole rests his head on my head and runs his hands through my hair and then down to my lower back.
"i love you so much," i whisper into coles neck.
"i love you too," cole replied with his arms around my waist.

"finally you two show up," lili says as cole and i get through airport security.
"yeah, someone didn't pack until 3 hours before we had to leave," i laugh looking at cole. "and he takes forever to pack."
"yeah, then when someone insisted she check my suitcase she made fun of me for something she found," cole says rolling his eyes.
"what was it," casey says.
"don't worry about that," cole says realising that he dug hole for himself.
"we won't shut up until we know," kj laughs.
"and if you think we will you don't know us at all," cami says.
"you really dug yourself this hole," i say pressing my lips together holding in a laugh.
"fine, she found a bracelet she made for me for my eleventh birthday," cole says sheepishly.
"that's sweet," lili says.
"and really cheesy," kj laughs.
"and he told me he wore it on his ankle until he was fourteen and he only took it off because it would've cut off circulation to his foot," i gush.

cole flicks my arm whilst rolling his eyes.
"that is so cute," camila says while a smile.
"that's what i thought," i say as i grab coles arm and snuggle into him.

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