020 real life

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i had finally gone home a couple nights after our night out, i knew cole had a key and it was obvious that i was hiding. hell, i'd missed. like 50 phone calls, like a million text messages and he'd even left voicemails for almost all of his phone calls.

i quietly unlocked my studio apartment at almost midnight on a friday and i see a seriously worried cole sitting on the couch.
"why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts," cole says as soon as he says me.
"i-i just, couldn't," i say as i my bag near my wardrobe.
"i was worried about lex," cole says keeping his eyes on me.
"how long have you been here cole?" i ask as i go to my kitchen to get a glass of water.
"wednesday morning," cole says.
"why?" i ask as i look him right in the eyes.
"why? why? are you serious? lex, you didn't answer any of my texts or calls. i didn't know what happened, you could have been hurt for all i know," cole says getting up from the couch, making me feel guilty.
"i just needed a break cole," i say raising my voice.
"this is the kind of shit as you boyfriend i need to know, or am i not that anymore?" cole shouts back.

i feel tears stream down my face and suddenly it's likes rivers running down my cheeks.
"lex, this isn't fair," cole says quietly.
"you're right. i'll make this clear. we are on a break now. get out," i say regretting it instantly.
cole doesn't disagree but before he leaves he say, "i love you."
i plop down on my bed and i cry into my pillow.

i could have been there for hours until i hear a quiet knock on my door followed by, "hey it's kj."

"come in," i shout back weakly.

kj opens the door and he has mcdonald's take out in one hand and coffee in the other.

"how are you doing?" he asks me as he sits on the other side of my bed leaning against the headboard.

i raise my eyebrows and i look up at him to which he answers himself, "right dumb question."

"how'd you know?" i ask him.

"well, a very upset cole rocks up at my place at 1am and told me. he miserable," kj says as he passes me a coffee.
"thanks," i say.
"what for," he says also passing me food.
"for visiting me, i thought you would have like sided with cole or something," i say quietly. "plus you brought me coffee and take out."
"you're welcome, as close as cole and i are i'd never side with either of you. you're both my friends," kj says.

"how's cole?" i ask nervously.
"miserable as you are, why'd you break up?" kj asks.
"well i was annoyed with him on tuesday so i went out with the girls and then i just got home midnight last night where he said he'd been at my apartment since wednesday and he was mad because i had ignored him. so i just said we needed a break," i say quietly making tears run down my already tears stained cheeks.
"he loves you," kj says.
"i know," i say guiltily.
i hug kj and cry into his chest.

a/n i was just reading that old authors note on this and i was getting excited about 1k reads now this book has almost 50k and tbh i'm screaming

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