026 real life

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3 months later

i lay under cole's white covers staring at the ceiling with my hand interlocked with cole's near my thigh.
"hey babe?" cole says still staring at the ceiling.
"yeah," i say.
"we should move in together," cole says.
"where did that come from?" i ask turning to face him.
"i mean, i'm either at yours or you're at mine. it would be easier, plus i'd love to be able to wake up to that face every morning," cole says rolling over to face me.
"would we move into mine or yours?" i ask smiling.
"mine, you live in a studio," cole says.
"when?" i ask.
"well, we are shooting all week so maybe this weekend," cole says.
"sounds good," i say smiling.

i lean towards cole and give him a peck on the lips, "i love you."
"i love you too," cole says with a dopey smile.
i wrap my arms around cole and fall asleep on with my head resting on his shoulder.

'beep, beep, beep, beep," i hear my alarm go off.

"i hate this fucking alarm," i whine and turn to cole but see he isn't in bed.

i get out of bed and go to the kitchen to find cole attempting to make breakfast.
"what happened in here?" i ask laughing a bit.
"well, you know i tried to cook you a good breakfast and well this happened," cole says shrugging.

"do want to get takeout on the way to set?" i say still laughing.
"probably for the best," cole says.
"just let me get ready," i say.

i quickly shower and put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, i also quickly pull my wet hair into a ponytail.

"oh nice outfit," cole says.

"thanks, now shut up," i say fake angrily.
"love you," cole says as we walk out the door.
"i hate you," i say flicking him on the arm.
"you love me," cole says.
"you're right, i do," i say grabbing his hand.

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