027 real life

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"so, yeah. i'm moving in with cole this weekend," i say excitedly to lili, maddy and camila in my trailer.
"i'm so excited for you guys," lili says excitedly.
"need any help packing," maddy asks.
"no, cole and i are starting to pack tonight and go through our stuff and see what we are getting rid of and what to put into storage," i say readjusting myself.
"so, do you think he will propose anytime soon?" camila asks.
"i don't know, i mean we've haven't even been dating 1 year. it's only been 7 months, it is definitely serious though," i say smiling.
"i don't even know how to do a relationship, like what are they?" lili says with a laugh.
"so, are you going to meet his parents?" camila asks.
"yeah, you are moving in with him and haven't even met his parents," maddy says.
"guys, cole and i have been friends for twenty years, im sure his parents have seen me naked," i say.
"always forget about the fact you have known each other for about the length of my life," lili says.
"so, when is your 1 year anniversary?" camila asks.
"well, we started dating on the 24th of january," i say.
"hey you know how you've been dating for 7 months, do you include the breakup?" camila asks me.
"yeah, i mean it wasn't a long breakup so i don't think it matters," i say.


"so your bed frame is way better than mine, can we keep it?" cole asks.
"yeah, i like the mattress here way more so can we keep that too," i say.
"i like what happens on the mattress more," cole says raising his eyebrows cheekily.
"oh really," i say. "so like this."

i walk over to cole and push him down onfo my bed and kiss him, i run my hands down his body and then under his shirt and feel his abs. my hand trail down to his waist where i play with his waistband but i decide to just tease him and palm him through his jeans.

i pull away from the kiss and say, "something like that."
"yeah, something like that," cole says jsut before he smashed his lips back into mine.

a lot of the chapters here are only having subtle changes

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