Old friend???

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" I slowly opened my eyes and check the time." It was 10:00am and we were late for our dance class which was at 10:30. I turn around to see my beautiful baby sleeping. He looked like an angel.
Larry: Lau Bebe wake up we have to go

Lau heard Larry but didn't care he wanted to lay in bed all day next to Larry of course.

Larry: Lau if you don't wake up I'm going to have to put you on punishment.

Lau's eyes shoot open and his spin shivered. Laurent knew that he was serious. He quickly sat up.
Lau: IM UP!!!-NO IM UP!!

Laurent hoped out of the bed and into the shower. Larry had a small smirk on his face as Lau looked him in the eyes before walking into the bathroom. Larry started to turn the sink water on and brushed his teeth. They continued to do their hygiene. Larry and Laurent rushed into the car. He couldn't help but notice a moving truck near the house across the street. He saw a girl she was about 18 years old. For a minute I made eye contact with her through the glass. Then I hear a voice yelling at me.


Larry starts the car and they start to move. At a stop light Larry's phone buzzes.

Larry: Can you get that
Lau: Yea... It's our boss

Convo between Larry and his Boss
B- Boss
L- Larry
B- Hey Larry sorry but the class is canceled .
L- Why what happened
B- they double booked our space so we had to cancel. Sorry guys...
L- It's fine
End of convo

Lau: The class is cancelled for today they double booked our space.
Larry: At least we can enjoy our day now. "Where do you want to go Bebe I'll take you anywhere you want"Larry took one hand off the wheel and placed it on Laurent's leg the as he stops the car at another light her stares into Lau's beautiful big brown eyes and Kiss his cheek.

Lau: I guess we can go to the mall for a bit *blushing and covering his face*
Larry: Sure Baby whatever you want
(Skipped to the mall)
Lau runs into his favorite store and starts looking away. Larry standing next to him felt his stomach growl.

Larry: Babe I'm hungry. I'll be back I'm going to get a pretzel and a soda and I'll be right back.

Lau: Noooooo Wait don't leave I'll come with you * he said whining*

Larry: Lau relax I'll be back I want you to be relaxed and shop when I come back you can get whatever you want.

Lau: I want you!!! But fine just hurry up and be back I can't wait too long. Oh... And bring me a pretzel too.

Larry : Okay * he kisses Laurent cheek and walking away 

Larry walked to the pretzel place and stood on line. For some reason he felt as if he was being watched by someone be hind him. He turns around to see nobody behind him. That's weird he thought to himself. *5 min later * after placing his order in he felt a hand touch him. He turns and sees a girl.
She look familiar.

Larry: I'm sorry but do I know you

Girl: It's me Karmen from high school. We had Science and English together..

Larry thought about it for a minute he soon began to remember her. She was known for being crazy back in high school. They use to make fun of her and call her names. She looked different...I soon snapped back to reality.

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