Just give up

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The next morning...

Lau's POV

I can't stand Larry sometimes . He swears he so slick but just wait. I'm going to make him crack. He's going to be begging to fuck me and I'm gonna win. It was early in the morning. I turned around into a empty space next to me. Then I breathed in a started to smell the aroma of food. I woke my babies up and gave them their bottles. When they finished I brought them downstairs and put them on the couch. I turned on the Tv and walked into the kitchen. When I walked in I saw a shirtless Larry setting up the table.

Larry: Caught you staring. He smirked

Lau: Yea at this food.

Larry: The food isn't on my body because that's were your eyes keep wondering.

Lau: If you say so. He shrugged

Larry: Can I have a hug? He smirked

Lau: Yea you can because I have completed control over my emotions.
Lau walked up to Larry and gave him a hug. Larry held on to him tightly. He then looked up at him and kissed his neck.

Larry: I love you.

Lau: I love you too but that's not going to work.

Larry: What am I doing. He smirked
Just then Mama B walked into the kitchen.

Mama: Morning

Larry and Lau: Morning

Mama: Can I get my answer now??

Larry: Do you want me to tell her?

Lau: Please

Larry: Okii. Larry and Lau sat down in the chairs across from Mama B.

Mama: Lau baby are you okay? You don't look good.

Lau: I'm fine

Larry: Do you want to sit in the living room or ...

Lau: Actually yeah. He got up a walked into the next room.

Mama: What's wrong with him. She asked concerned

Larry sat down and told his mother the whole story. He told her why Lau was uncomfortable with taking about this topic. He asked her to please try to stay away from the topic.

Mama B: I'm sorry

Larry: It's Okii.

Ana: Morning guys.

Becca: Good morning.

Mama and Larry: Morning

Becca: Smells amazing.

Larry: Thanks

Becca: No .... Thank you.

Larry: Your welcome. He laughed. He excused himself from the table and walked over to Lau. " You ready to eat Bebe?"

Lau: Yea I'm ready. Got up and got his food. When he was done he put his dishes in the sink and approached the living room area were Larry was sitting. He didn't say a word to Larry. He just walked in and sat on Larry's lap.

Larry: Woah woah woah!

Lau: What?

Larry: Your on my lap.

Lau: And? We always do this. He wrapped his arms around Larry's neck and look him in his eyes. " Do I make you feel some type of way"

Larry: Uh no .... He was cut off by Lau lips slowly kissing his. He stood there for a good minute. When he looked back up at Larry he looked speechless.

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