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Larry sat up in his bed. He started to sweat and he got light headed. He was cut off but the sound of Lau's voice.

Lau: What's wrong?

Larry: Oh your awake I'm sorry. Larry quickly turned his phone off.

Lau: What. Is. Wrong

Larry: Nothing I was just checking the time.

Lau: Give me your phone. He said with the most serious face ever.

Larry: No. Why?

Lau: Larry give me the phone!

Larry: No!

Lau stood quite for a couple of seconds and then he did something that shocked Larry. He pinned Larry to the bed and snatched he phone. Larry struggle trying to get his phone back but Larry let his inner beast out. Lau opened the phone with one had still pinning Larry down.

Larry: Let me go! Lau ignored him and kept reading. Lau walked over to the window and closed the blind. He said nothing.

Unknown message 1

You can run but you can't hide my dear. It's only a matter of time before I find you.

Larry couldn't take it anymore he had to leave.

Larry: Get your stuff we have to leave now.

Lau: Now??? It's like 2 am.

Larry: Yes now please just listen to me.

Larry walked out of the room and into the one Ana and Becca were sleeping in.

Larry: Guys we have to go.

Ana: What's going on?

Larry: I'll explain to you later.

Becca: Huh?? It's 2 am.

Larry: I know I know just please grab your stuff we need to go now.

Ana and Becca didn't question him after that they got up and began to grab their coats. Larry walked back into the room to see Lau putting the babies jackets on.

Larry: Are you ready?

Lau: Yea I'm ready.

Larry was about to grab his coat until he heard a whimpering sound. He turned around to see Lau crying. He walked up to him and lifted his chin.

Larry : What's wrong?

Lau: I-I'm just scared if anyone hurts my babies. He stopped in the middle of his sentence. Larry took his thumb and wiped Lau's tears away.

Larry: No one is going to hurt them. Not as long as I'm here. He kissed Lau's temple and rubbed his back.

Lau: Okii I'm ready. He said wiping his face. " I love you Larry"

Larry: "I love you too Laurent"

Larry grabbed his coat and got everyone in the car. When everyone buckled Larry got out of the car.

Lau: Where are you going?

Larry: I have to say bye to Mama.

Lau: Okii.

Larry walked back into the house. He walked into his mothers room finding her sleep peaceful on her bed. Larry felt bad for waking her up.

Larry: Mama? He said softly shaking her.

Mama: Yes?

Larry: Mama I have to leave I know it's late but I really have to go.

Mama: Your leaving so soon what happened??

Larry: It's a lot to explain but I promise I'll come back and tell you.

Mama: Okay my baby please be careful and safe. Her eyes watered up.

Larry: Don't cry I'll be back.

Mama: I know just take care of Lau okay?

Larry: Yes mama I will. He kissed her forehead and left.

When Larry got back in the car he turned around to see Becca and Ana sleeping.

Lau: Where are we going to stay?

Larry: Don't worry I have place. Now
get some sleep it's going to be a long ride.

Lau: Okii.

Larry started the car and began to drive.

The next morning....

Lau's POV

I woke up to see we were in the middle of open road. I turned to see Larry who you could tell got no sleep what so ever. I looked at the time. It was 8:15 am. I looked behind me to see everyone still sleeping peacefully even the babies.

Larry: Oh your up. Good morning.

Lau: Morning.

He looked at the GPS and saw the time it took to get there. 2 days and five hours.

Lau: Where are we going?

Larry: To Las Vegas.

Lau: Why?! Where are we staying?

Larry: Don't worry it's a hotel.

Lau: And how are we going to pay for that??

Larry: Don't worry about it.

Lau sighed he didn't feel like arguing with Larry at the moment. He just stared out the window.

Lau: 2 more days. He wispered.

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