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It was 8:40 in the morning. I stared at my baby sleeping. I know I say this a lot but I honestly love this man to death. If anything happened to him I don't think I could live anymore. I intertwined our hands together and kissed his neck. I saw a small smile come from his face.

Lau: Bebe

Larry: Yes?

Lau: Stop being cute it too early.

Larry: I can't help it. Your face turns me on.

Lau: We have the same face. He laughed

Larry: But I like yours better.

Lau: I disagree your face is pretty sexy

Larry: Ohhhh so you want me now?

Lau: Maybe I do may be I don't

Larry: So you do? He smirked.

Lau: Yes Larry but guess what we are still in a hospital.

Larry: Just wait. *smirk*

Lau: I'm waiting daddy.. He wispered in his ear.

Larry: Stop teasing me. He pouted

Lau: Now you know how it feels.

Larry: What I never tease you

Lau: What do you mean you tease me every chance you get

Larry: Do not

Lau: Oh please your the first one to crack whenever it comes to sex

Larry: *gasp* That's is not true

Lau: Really?

Larry: Yea

Lau: Care to bet on it?

Larry: What do you mean?

Lau: The person who could go the longest without wanting to do anything sexual wins.

Larry: Woahhhh wait

Lau: See you can't

Larry: No I can it's a deal. But when I win what do I get?

Lau: When I win I'm in control next time we do it. You pick your own

Larry: Okii your on. If I win I put you on punishment. He shook Lau's hand.

Lau: This is gonna be funny. Watching you struggle.

Larry: Wait that means I can't kiss you?

Lau: Kissing doesn't count

Larry: Okii. He smirked

Lau: Wipe that smirk off baby boy cause your gonna lose.

Larry: What ever you say.

Lau: And you can't change any rules.

Larry: Okii. Lau got off the bed. "Where you going."

Lau: To the bathroom.

Larry: Oh

Lau: Why would you like to join me. He laughs

Larry: Ha ha very funny

Lau: Use my phone to text Mama.

Larry: And say what?

Lau: That we're up and ready.

Larry: Okii.

Lau's POV

I'm so dumb. I really agreed to letting him put me on punishment. The last time I could barely walk. I need to win this bet. If I don't I won't be walking for a month.

Larry POV

I need to win. If I don't Lau's gonna call all of the shots. He knows I like to be in control. Wait why am I worried. I'm definitely gonna win. Then once I do he's not going to be able to walk for weeks. I watch Lau as he walked out the bathroom.

Larry: Someone looks nervous...

Lau: You wish
"Is it noticeable" he thought

Larry: Okii if you say so.

Lau: Did Mama text back.

Larry: Yea she coming here now.

Lau: Okii. Just then a Nurse walked in.

Nurse: Good morning. I just wanted to let you know before he's able to leave you have just sign a couple of things for me. When your done you can give it to the desk and sign him out.

Lau: Okii thank you.

Larry: Yea thanks. He winked at her. She blushed and walked out the room.

Lau: Fuck you

Larry: You can't remember. He winked

Lau: No leave me alone.

Larry: Clam down its a joke. You know I love you.

Lau: Yea whatever.

Larry: Make me have to get up and show you that I love you

Lau: But you can't.

Larry: Really???

Lau: Nope

Larry: Okii just wait.

Lau: What ever just get ready.

Larry: Help me. (Lier he didn't need help)

Lau: Oh so now you need help? You didn't need it when you pinned me to the bed last night did you?

Larry: Oh you enjoyed it

Lau: Blah Blah blah

Larry: Fine I'll get ready by myself.

Lau: Good . Lau watched as Larry tried to get up pretending to be hurt.

Larry: Ow it hurts so much.

Lau: Really Larry?

Larry: I mean you won't help me so.

Lau: Fine. He got up an assisted Larry. When they got close to the wall Larry pinned Lau against the wall and grinded his lower half on Lau.

Larry: I'm sorry I fell. He tried to hide his smirk.

Lau: Oh really??? You "fell". Okii You wanna play these games then fine.

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