Im sorry

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The door opened. Laurent's whole body tensed up but he didn't look up at the door. The felt a hand on his should


Larry grabbed Laurent and kept him in his arms. " I'm here bebe it's only me I'm here now" Laurent sobbed in Larry's shoulder . Larry saw the bruise on his baby's face.
Lau:N-no he began to cry even harder
Larry: Then who did this
Lau:Please I d-Don't wanna t-talk about it now
Larry examined the scars on his body . He laid Laurent down on the bed and took his own shirt off to give to Lau since he had a undershirt on and Lau was still naked.

Larry's POV

This is all my fault I knew I had to get Lau out of here but if I didn't follow what Karmen told me to do she would hurt the one person I care about the most

Larry looked down at Laurent who was now sleeping in his arms. Larry however couldn't sleep thoughts on how to escape went through his head. Nothing added up. It was hopeless he knew that for now he had to listen to what Karmen told him. After a couple of minutes Larry's mind drifted into a deep sleep.
The next morning...
Larry's POV

My body was still groggy I scanned my room hoping that everything that happened was just a dream but it wasn't. It was only a matter of time before Karmen came back down stairs.
His agreement with her was the only option to keep his lover safe. He look down a his sleeping brother and grabbed his waist and pull him closer.
A couple minutes later Larry hears the door handle jiggling and when it open Karmen came out from behind it.

Karmen:Good morning sleepy head
*she smirks

Larry growls her direction

Karmen: let's make this short and simple give me Laurent.

Larry : No we made a deal your going to leave my brother alone* He says really loudly Lau suddenly wakes.

Lau: What's going on.

Karmen: Let's go Lau now!


Suddenly a deeper voice echoes from behind the door- Is everything okay- he walk through the door. It was the guy from last night. Lau's whole body tensed up. He gripped his brother's hand. Larry look at him in his face and saw the fear in his eye.

Karmen : everything's fine -she threw a new pair of clothes on the ground for Lau. " Larry I need you to get ready then we're leaving in half an hour." A smirk appeared on the guy's face as he looks at the fear in Lau eyes. Then she re-closed the door.

Lau: L-Larry don't leave me please. You c-can't leave me here.

Larry: Tell me what happened when I wasn't here last night .*he grabbed his face

Lau: The g-guy he touched me las-st night

Larry: HE RAPED YOU! *he pulled his baby's face into his chest as Lau began to cry.

Lau: Please d-don't lea-ave me with him.

Larry: Listen I have to leave for your safety but I'm going to make sure he won't hurt you *picks up the clothes
"Put them on" Lau put the clothes on. Then the door opened again

Karmen: lets go

Larry quickly kissed his baby's forehead * whispered I love you and got up. They both walked out the door. Larry sees the other guy in the hallway waiting

Larry: there's two keys to this door were is the other one

Karmen: Don't worry about it

Larry: He has it doesn't he I'm not leaving until he gives you the key my brother is in there alone and you think in going to trust him with that key.

Karmen: Fine give me the key

Guy: No but..

Karmen: I SAID GIVE ME THE DAMN KEY! He placed it in her hand " Now lets go. Larry followed her upstairs.

Larry: Now what do you want

Karmen: We're going out on a date.

Larry: You actually trust me in public.

Karmen: look I don't have to trust you I have your brother which I know you wouldn't leave. Say anything and he will die end of story.

After the date....
Larry's POV
She put me back in that room. Sitting there was Lau crying.

Larry : Lau baby nobody came in here right

Lau : No I-I just missed you ...

*there is another chapter *

(Sorry this chapter sucks a bit but I promise the next one is going to be a lot more interesting pleas vote in comments)

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