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Becca's POV

I squinted my eyes as the shirt was taken off my face. It was Larry. His eyes was sorta swollen.

Larry: Are you okay? He untied the rope from her arms

Becca: I'm fine. But your eye....

Larry: My eye is fine. He walked over to Ana who seemed traumatized. "Ana?"

Ana: Huh?

Larry: Are you okay?

Ana: Yea. He untied her arms and helped her up.

Becca stared at the unconscious Jason on the floor.

Becca: What are you going to do with him.

Larry: I'm going to find out why he's here. When he turned around he saw Lau shaking. He walked over to Lau and hugged him. "Are you alright?" He wispered.

Lau: Yea I'm fine.

Larry: Your shaking. Just lay down.

Lau: Larry you eye. He placed his hand on Larry's

Larry: Don't worry about me. Just relax. He guided Lau to the bed and sat him down.

Ana: Can someone please tell me what's going on?

Larry: That's what I'm trying to find out. When he wakes up.

Becca: If he wakes up...

Larry: I didn't kill him... Not yet at least. But when he wakes up Im going to get as many answers as possible.

Lau: What happened to you??

Larry: Yea you disappeared

Becca: He asked to speak to me in the hallway he said it was important then he pulled a gun out on me...

Ana: Then he came in here and tied us up.

Larry: I'm sorry guys I know I keep dragging you guys into some crazy shit.

Ana: But it's not your fault. This crazy bitch is trying to steal you.

Lau: I'm tired of them trying to involve me kids in this. He held Lauren in his arms.

Larry: I'm not going to let anything happen to them. He kissed Lau's forehead.

Suddenly an akward science filled the room.

Becca: I'm sorry...

Larry: For what?

Becca: You warned me and I acted like a brat about it I feel really bad about....

Larry: It's Okii I only tell you this because I look at you as a little sister.

Becca: Well thank you

Larry: Well that's the least I can do you know since you save the people most important to me. My brother and lover. My two healthy baby twins. And myself. Thank you too Ana you have done so much for my family.

Ana: We are family. She smiled.

Larry: Thank you. He smiled " Well you guys can go to bed if you want I'll stay up in case he wakes up...

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