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Lau's POV

I woke up to faint whining noise. I knew it was Lauren she always cried it a familiar pattern. I slowly got up from my resting position. I looked over and saw Larry passed out he had Lauren in his arms. I slowly removed his arm off of her trying not to wake him and he quickly grasped my wrist scaring me half to death.

Lau: Larry! His body jumped.

Larry: I'm sorry you scared me I thought you were trying to take her.

Lau: I was she needs to eat. He calmed down

Larry: I'm sorry you know I'm protective it was a reflex.

Lau: It's fine

Larry: Lay down I'll get the bottles. He slowly handed Lauren to Lau and placed Logan in the middle. He then walked downstairs made the bottles and walked back up. " Here" he handed one to Lau.

Lau: Thanks

Larry: Your welcome

Lau: Can you wake him up please he needs to eat too.

Larry: Let him sleep

Lau: I want them on the same eating schedule so I know when they're hungry and I can feed them both.

Larry: But he's sleeping

Lau: Can we not argue about this just wake him up.

Larry: Fine... He lifted Logan up on his lap and started to tickle him. " Come on buddy your Papa wants you to eat." Logan began to slowly wake up. His eyebrows scrunched up and he began to cry. " I know your still sleepy but no one wants to listen to me"

Lau: Shut up Larry

Larry: It's true you never listen to me...

Lau: Really?! I don't ever listen to you?

Larry: Calm down I'm not trying to fight.

Lau: You honestly don't even think I listen to. I spend most of my day thinking about you and your gonna sit here like I never pay attention to you.

Larry: Lau...

Lau: No and your always keeping things from me too

Larry: Like what? He snapped back

Lau: The fact that we were being stalked by a crazy bitch who's in love with you... You lied about that letter you found... You even kept it a secret that I am being hunted down by random people.

Larry: I only lied to make sure you didn't have a full blown panic attack. I always have to protect you !

Lau: What does that mean you always have to protect me?!

Larry: Exactly what I said you can never fight for yourself. I always have to stand up for you because you don't know how!

Lau: I am your brother Larry. Not to mention your lover. But if your so tired of protecting me then don't...

Larry: Don't worry I won't. Lau looked at Larry and said nothing. He got up and walked out the room. His eyes were watery. " Wait Lau! I'm sorry that's not what I ... He slammed the door behind him. Larry mentally slapped himself. He got up and walked downstairs. " Lau can we just talk..."

Lau: " There no reason to talk you said what you meant

Larry: That's not what I meant to say

Lau: But you did

Larry: I was just mad that's all. Can you please forgive me. He stood in front of Lau who's back was pressed Lau against the wall. " You know I can't really let anyone hurt you... and I'm a complete ass hole... I feel bad please don't be mad. I love you"

Lau: I know.... your an ass hole for saying that

Larry: Okii I deserved that...

Lau: But I shouldn't have continued arguing I'm sorry too...

Larry: No I should listen to you next time.

Lau: I'm not mad at you... I'm sad that you think that about me. Listening is a big part in a relationship..

Larry: I don't I was just being stupid. I know you listen to me..

Lau: Really?

Larry: Yes

Lau: If I'm ever doing anything that bothers you please tell me

Larry: You don't bother me ever. I love you.

Lau: I love you too. Just then Larry leaned against the wall and kissed Lau.

Mama: Awww my babies

Larry: Mama? How long were you here for?

Mama: A minute or two...

Lau: Yea mama about that thing you heard yesterday...

Mama: Nope that's none of my business ... But your brother should be more careful

Lau: Okii. His face turned red

Larry: I didn't hurt him... he seemed to enjoy it. He mumbled

Lau: Larry! He hit his arm

Larry: Ow

Mama: What he say?

Lau: Nothing....

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