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"30 minutes until you reach your destination "

Becca: YES FINALLY! She shouted

Ana: Becca! Stop yelling. She scolded her for a minute.

Larry: It's okay she's right it's been a long exhausting ride. He giggled.

Lau: I just miss my bed. He complained

Larry: I miss you in bed. He wispered slightly smirking and giggling.

Lau: Larry not now. Playfully hit Larry's arm.

Becca: Huh? I didn't hear him what did he say.

Lau: Uh ...He misses his bed too.


Larry silently laughed. As Lau was looking out the window from a distance he saw this huge hotel.

 As Lau was looking out the window from a distance he saw this huge hotel

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Becca: Woahhh. She said excitedly.

Ana: Omg! This is amazing. Her eyes widened.

Lau: How?? But ...

Larry: Trust me.

Lau: Yea yea I know.

As the car got closer and closer to the hotel everyone became anxious and excited. Soon Larry pulled up to the front of the resort. Larry looked out the window to see a man standing there. He rolled the window down.

Guy: May I park your car sir.

Larry: Oh um sure just one second please.

Guy: I'll get someone to assist you with your bags.

Larry: Okay thank you. He turned around. Guys we have to get out now.

Becca: Yay!

Everyone one quickly got out the car and started to walk into the lobby.

Everyone one quickly got out the car and started to walk into the lobby

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Larry: You guys can wait here. I'll just wait on line.

Lau: I'll come with you.

Larry: Just sit and watch the babies I just need to talk to someone real quick.

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