Why not?

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Larry: We can't leave in the next two days we have to take care of the babies

Lau: Your right

Mama: Baby what happened

Lau: Larry's right we have to stay here with the babies

Mama: Why they no stay with me?

Lau: Mama that's a lot of work for you.

Mama: I can do it. I did it to both of you.

Larry: But this is so soon...

Mama: Why can't we all go then?

Lau: That's not what he said

Mama: Well go tell him that then.

Larry: That's not how it works mama...

Mama: Then leave me here with them.

Lau: Mama that's a whole month...

Mama: And?

Larry: I don't know

Lau: I miss dancing a lot

Larry: A month you can handle that?

Mama: Of course I can

Larry: Do you really want to?

Lau: Yea...

Larry: Okii *sigh*

Lau: Really?!

Larry: Yea we do it. Before he could say anything else Lau bear hugged Larry. " I - Can't - Breath"

Lau: Oh I'm sorry

Larry: It's Okii. He smiled. He walked into the living and sat on the couch.

Kevin: I guessing you made a decision?

Larry: Yes and we would like to accept.

Kevin: You have no idea how joyful I am to hear that. I promise this will open up new doors to your future career.

Larry: Thank you I'm glad for this experience.

Kevin: I just need you both to sign a couple of things. He pulled out papers from his brief case and handed them to Larry. " I just need a signature on these four pages from you both and we will be all good to go.

Larry: Okii. He got up and brought the paper to Lau. They both read over everything and signed the papers. When everything was done Larry walked over and handed him the papers.

Kevin: Thank you. I'll be sending the plane tickets over by tomorrow.

Larry: Okii thank you.

Kevin: Well it's time for me to go thank you again have a wonderful day. He got up and let himself out.

Lau: Thank you! He wrapped his arms around Larry's neck.

Larry: Anything for you

Lau: And thank you too Mama

Mama: Baby don't worry about it. It's only a month.

Lau: I gotta tell Becca and Ana. He ran into the other room excitedly.

Larry: I guess I'll start packing. He walked up stairs.

Larry's POV

It's good that we are going to dance again but I don't want to leave my babies for a month. I know this makes my baby happy so I'll do it.

Lau: Bebe?He walked to the room door.

Larry: Yes

Lau: You don't seem happy?

Larry: No I am it's just I don't want to be form my babies for too long

Lau: I'm sorry I didn't mean to force you...

Larry: No Bebe you didn't I actually am really happy.

Lau: Really? Lau said with sadness. Larry walked up to him and lifted his head into a kiss

Larry: Of course

Lau: Okii good.

Mama B: Larry!

Larry: Coming. He walked down stairs and walked over to his mom.

Mama: I'm taking everyone out to eat do you wanna come?

Larry: Actually Ma I need to have some alone ton with Lau I have to speak to him for a while.

Mama: Well okay we'll be back in about 2 hours.

Larry: Okii. He walked up stairs to where Lau was.

Mama: We are leaving now! She shouted

Larry: Okii have fun. And with that the door closed and locked.

Lau: Wait where is Mama going?

Larry: Out to eat

Lau: I wanna eat! Why didn't we go?
I'm hungry!

Larry: I'm hungry too but not for food. He licked his lips

Lau: Actually I'm really tired I have no energy right now. He walked over to the bed. Larry walked right next to him and pushed him on the bed.

Larry: No no... Your not getting away that easily. He licked down his neck causing Lau to moan.

Lau: Daddy wait...

Larry: For what?

Lau: I wanna do something for you.

Larry: No your trying to by yourself time. That body is mine for the next 2 hours.

Lau: 2 hours? He said nervously.

Larry: Yep... now you better be striped by the time I'm back. He whispered then walked out the room closing the door. Larry walked downstairs and turned on the tv. He waited for about 20 minutes then made his way upstairs. He walked into another room and took out handcuffs, lube and a silk cloth. He proceeded into the room. He slowly opened the door and saw Lau completely naked. He just sat on the bed.

Lau: You said your going to give me a choice. He said silently

Larry: I am....
1) I can make you cum ten times
2) I can blind fold you and handcuffed...the rest is a surprise
3) I can fuck you until you can't walk right
Chose one

Lau: You know I hate being blind folded. But the second one.

Larry: Okii. He laughed. He walked over and handcuffed Lau's arms to the bed. As he reached for the other he felt Lau shaking. " Bebe relax I am only her to please you"

Lau: I'm sorry...

Larry: It's fine. He continued to handcuff Lau. When he hand him strapped down he slowly kissed his neck.

(it's about to go down)

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