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Larry: Lau can you open the door.

Lau: No leave me alone. Lau fell against the door sobbing in his hands

Larry: Lau Bebe please open the door. I need to see if your okay. Open the door.


Larry: Fine I'll give you a minute. Larry walked over to Becca who witnessed what happened." Can you please get that door open?"

Becca: Yea sure. She walked over to the door and took a credit card out from her wallet and slid it against the lock a few times and it opened. Larry grabbed the handle.

Larry: Thank you

Becca: No problem. She knew that they needed a minute so she went upstairs.

Larry opened the door to the most scariest this he can think of.

Larry: LAU! STOP IT!

Lau: Leave me alone Larry! He said with tear dripping from his chin.

Lau walked in on Lau trying to cut himself with a razor blade. Larry wrestled Lau to the ground and took the blade from him. He then pinned his arms about his head.


Lau: I don't want to be here anymore. He choked on his words.

Larry: Why!! I'm here now with you.

Lau: I'm sorry...

Larry: No..

Lau: Larry ple-ase don't ....

Larry: No I'm sorry. He let go of Lau's arms and grabbed his face." Until the court date I'm focusing all my time on you" He kissed Lau passionately.

Lau: You mean it ?

Larry: Of course I mean it. He said wiping the tears from his face.

He guided Lau to the bed. He placed him and went right behind him holding his waist.

Larry: I love you but you better stop scaring me.

Lau: I love you too and I'm sorry for acting like a brat I know... He was stopped by Larry's lips.

Larry: I forgive you.
Court day....

Larry kept his promise to Lau he focused on Lau all the time. Now three days have past. Larry prepared himself for court. He put on his suite and tried to put his tie on. He struggled a few times until Lau came up to him and helped.

Lau: You still can't put a tie on? He giggled a bit.

Larry: Hahaha very funny. He turned around to see Lau standing there in his suit. Larry could keep him eyes off Lau.

Lau: Earth to Larry...

Larry: Huh? I'm listening...

Lau: Sure is that why your looking at me the same way you look a food.

Larry: Whattttt?

Larry walked up to Lau and kissed him. He kissed his lips all the way down to his collar bone. Lau started to moan a bit.

Lau: Stop it. He extended his arm out to block Larry. "We have to go"

Larry: Fine I'll just get you later. He smirked.

Lau: Your annoying sometimes.

Larry: You love me though.

Lau walked out of the room and grabbed his coat. Larry followed him. Becca was waiting in the living room.

Ana: Good luck guys she said hugging everyone. She had to stay home and watch the babies.

Larry: Thank you

At the court...

Larry's POV

After a long car ride with Lau trying to strangle my hand the whole time we finally got there. We were excourted by police on the way there. They also showed us to the right room. When we entered we saw Karmen staring at us smirking. Larry's Lawyer was already there to present the evidence.

Lau: Can I kill her now? He said whispering in Larry's ear grinding his teeth. Larry grabbed Lau's hand as a sign to chill out. They walked over to their side. That's when it all started....

Home with Ana

I sat there waiting for them to come home. It's been an 2 hours already. My mind drifted away until I heard a faint whinnying noise. Logan was upset and was moving around this was waking Lauren up.

Ana: Aww what's the matter. She said tickling there bellies causing their attitude to change.

The door bell rings....

Ana: Who's is it?


Ana opened the door slowly to see a note on the ground. It said To Larry Ana didn't open the note. She just took it and left it in his room. She honestly didn't want to know.

In court room

Karmen: You honer. I have been attack in my own home. She pretended to having a hard time taking.

Ana: Your honor I was a witness. She kidnapped them for 9 months. When he attack her it's only because she had a knife.

Judge: I've heard everything I needed to hear. Larry you are.....

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