Burn pt 2

482 40 8

Larry's POV

" Or watch them burn "

My head started to spin. I could feel my blood becoming cold. She's trying to kill my family.

Lau: Larry! You need to talk to me now! What's going on with you?

Larry: I- i- i ... uhhh we have to go.

Ana: Are you okay? Larry your pale. She says looking at him through her mirror.

Larry: We have to leave.

Ana: Where our house is gone?!

Larry: Here I'll give you the address just please go!

Ana typed the address on her GPS and started to drive.

Lau: Can you tell me what the fuck is happening why are we going to Mama's house.

Larry: I'll tell you later.

Lau: I swear Larry....

Larry: Can you just trust me I'll tell you later.

Lau: Fine *sigh*

When they pulled up into the driveway Larry's heart began to race. He knew what was coming on the other side of that door. He braced his self.

*knock *

Mama: Who ... She stopped in the middle of her sentence and jump up and hugged Larry. " Son is that you?"

Larry: Yes mama it's me. A tear fell from her eye when she saw Lau standing behind him. She grabbed him too and they group hugged.

Mama: I should choke you both for giving me a hard attack. She wispered into their ears noticing there were more people behind them. Those words brought a shiver through their spines."What's going on?"

Larry: I'll explain everything to you later but we really need a place to stay for a while.

Mama: Of course.

Everyone walked into the house.

Larry: Ana and Becca I'm sore we only have one spare room.

Ana: It's okay thank you for allowing us in your home.

Mama: No problem dear a friend of my babies is a friend of mine.

Ana and Becca made their selves comfortable in the room. The only thing they both could think about is what just happened.

Larry and Lau sat down in the living room with their mama. They both had a baby in their hands.

Larry: Mama I want you to meet your new grandson and daughter.

Mama: Grand babies? She said crying.

Larry: Mama it's time you knew the truth about us he said holding Lau's hand.

Mama: Baby I know already.

Larry and Lau: You do?!! How?!

Mama: For once I heard you both having sex in the bathroom during Christmas dinner.

Lau: Mama why didn't you say anything?

Mama: Baby because I knew you weren't ready to tell me and I respect that. Right now I just want you to know that I support what ever make you happy. I'm glad that I have grand children now.

Lau: Really? He said crying

Mama: If course. Now what I need to know is why you went missing for nine months and then when they found yo Larry is wanted.

Larry: This is a lot Mama and I'm gonna need you to not freak out.

Mama: Continue

Larry explained every detail to his mom about how Karmen kidnapped her and then Becca save them. Also he explained Lau's pregnancy stage struggle. Finally Larry struggle when telling her about jail and what Lau was going through. At the end of the story and cried into their shoulders.

Mama: I'm so sorry my babies...

Larry: It's not your fault

Mama: I'm so glad to have you both back she said with still watery eyes.

Larry: We're happy to be back we love you but I think it's best if Lau the babies and I got some rest it's been a long day.

Mama: Of course I love you both and you too my new bundles of joy. Good night.

Larry and Lau: Good night.

They both walked upstairs to their old room. When they turned on the light you can still remember what crazy things happen when they were young.

Larry pushed the two beds together making it one. He placed the babies on one side and surrounded them with pillows.

Larry: Good night my babies. He kissed their temples.

Lau: Now you need to tell me what happened.

Larry: Not now I'll tell you in the morning.

Lau: No tell me now! He said with a stern voice.

Larry: I said tomorrow. He yelled back.

Lau: I don't get why it's so hard for you to tell me.

Larry: Drop it Lau!

Lau: No talk to me! Why won't you tell me!!

Larry: Because I don't want you to worry!!!!!!!

Lau: Worry about what?!

Larry got up and pulled the note from his pocket.

Larry: Someone wrote me this note today before the house burned down.

Lau unfolded the letter and started to read it. When he finished he began to to cry.

Larry: This is why I no tell you... He said muffling Lau's cries with his shoulder." I don't want you to worry I not going to let her hurt you or Lauren or Logan. I'm going to keep you safe" he said kissing Lau's lips. " Please just rest" he said guiding Lau to the bed and laying him down. He held on tightly to Lau's waist until they both drifted to sleep.

Larry's POV

I was having a peaceful sleep until I heard my phone buzz. I turned around and quickly grabbed it before it woke anyone up.

* 1 messages from Unknown number *

I opened my phone and started to read what it said. My heart began to race.

Dear Larry

Im glad you enjoyed my little fire works display. Too bad you couldn't witness it up close. Anyway wanted to let you know that I'm still coming for you and that family of yours. If I can't have you Lau or anyone else surely can't either. Hope you have a good night sleep. I love you babe.

-Your one and ONLY!!!

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