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Lau: I'm so tired. He yawned

Ana: Go to bed then your probably sore.

Lau: Yea I really am. He glanced over at Larry.

Larry: I'll take you to bed. He lifted Lau up by the arm and started to head towards the stairs.

Mama: OMG my poor baby can barley walk...why Larry?

Larry: Maaaaama stop...

Mama: Come on he's completely limping.

Lau: I'm fine... He looked at Larry in a confused way.

Larry: You know what just get on my back.

Lau: What?!

Larry: You acted like you haven't rode me before

Lau: Larry! He whispered

Larry: My back!

Lau: Fine. He got Larry's back and he walked him upstairs into the room

Larry: Lay down...

Lau: Larry?

Larry: Yes

Lau: What does mama know because she's acting weird

Larry: yea she kinda heard us having sex.

Lau: What?! How?!

Larry: Baby monitor....

Lau: oh

Larry: Yea when I got in the kitchen she told me no to paralyzed you....

Lau: Oh my god. I was completely screaming. His eyes widened

Larry: I love hearing you moan my name. He smirked

Lau: Yea now I can barley talk or walk.

Larry: I'm sorry but you can't being acting all sexy and horny and not expect me to fuck you that hard.

Lau: Yea yea

Larry: Your my everything you know that?

Lau: Stop being cute

Larry: Can't help it

Lau: Now my body hurts.

Larry: My poor baby... Let me give you a message. He sat on the bed next to Lau.

Lau: You better you caused this.

Larry: Save your voice. He placed his hands on Lau's shoulders and started to rub.

Lau: That feels good

Larry: I always make you feel good.

Lau: Be quiet and keep rubbing.

Larry: Feisty. He kissed his neck. In a matter of minutes Lau was fast asleep.
"He's too cute" he whispered.

Larry got out of the bed and walked down stairs.

Ana: Is Lau sleep?

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