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The room filled with silence until a bunch of cops rushed into the room.

Cop: Nobody move!

Lau: Larry... his body started to tense up. Those couple of word brought back terrible memories.

Larry: I'm not leaving. He grabbed Lau and held him close in his arms. Just then paramedics start to run in. They grabbed Jason and put him on a stretcher. Then they approached Larry trying to help him up. " I'm fine please I'm fine.

Lau: No he's cut on his left side.

Paramedic: Please sir let us help you.

Larry: Can my family come too?

Paramedic: Yes of course

Larry slowly got up from the floor. His body was still sore. They helped him on a stretcher and took him to the elevator. Everyone follows behind him.

Ana: Larry we are going to ride in a different ambulance and we will meet you there. Lau reached for Laren and Logan.

Larry: Okii I'll see you there.

Lau's POV

When we got to the main floor people crowded around us asking all types of questions. Larry kept his head down trying to ignore reporters.

Reporters: Who babies are these?

Reporter 2: Can you explain why you were missing for one whole year now?

Cop: That's enough! He push some of the reporters away from us

When we finally got into the ambulance it was silent. The car began to move and you could hear the sounds of the sirens violently buzzing through the streets. The sounds creating a pattern. The sound of a faint whinnying noise interrupted the pattern. It was Lauren. She began to cry. I rocked her back and forth but it was no use.

Larry: Come here princess. He extended his arms out. I carefully gave Lauren to him.

Lau: Be careful don't hurt yourself.

Larry: I'm fine. He laughed. He placed Lauren on his chest and slowly rubbed her back in circles. " Hush baby girl everything is fine." He cry then became tiny weep. She began to clam down. "See your Okii right. Oh my poor babies maybe they are hungry "

Lau: Omg they didn't eat in 4 hours.

Larry: It's Okii maybe the hospital can help.

Lau: I hope so....

Larry: Laurent

Lau: Yes

Larry: I know I tell you this but your my complete life line. I can't have anything happen to you. That's why I didn't try to fight. I don't what you to think I gave up on you I really didn't. I wanted to make sure you are safe. He was silenced by Lau's lips.

Lau: I know that Larry... and I love you with all of my heart.

Larry: I love you too. He smiled

After a moment you could feel the car stop. Paramedics rushed to the door and opened it. They wheeled Larry out with Lauren on his chest. Lau followed them holding Logan who looked confused on the situation. When we go to the room the stopped at the door.

Paramedic: I'm sorry sir but she need to stay out here for a moment.

Larry: Okii. He slowly removed Lauren from his chest and handed her over to Lau.

Paramedic: Please wait here.

Lau: Okii... He sat down in the chair next to the room. " Excuse me" He stopped a nurse.

Nurse: Yes?

Lau: Can I please have a bottle for my children they haven't eaten.

Nurse: Of course I'll be right back. After about five minutes she came back with two baby bottles. Lau gave one to both of them. He patiently sat there waiting for approval to go inside. Seconds start to pass, the minutes and before he knew it it was 2 hours he's been sitting there. He looked at the tv and saw his face on The news

Larry and Laurent Bourgeois were missing for a complete year but the found in a terrible incident where the owner of Wynns hotel was shot (James Wynn ) and killed along with another man. The Les Twins were just seen outside of the hotel. Larry was being taken to the hospital to be check of any major injuries. Laurent was seen hold two babies in his arms during the time. Police are now looking further into this case to find anything possible...

A voice drowned the Tv out

Ana: Lau how's everything with Larry.

Lau: Oh hey guys. He got up and hugged them both. " I have no idea I have been waiting here for 2 hours. I'm a little worried....

Becca: Don't be ... I'm sure he's fine.

Ana: Yea

Just then the doctor walked towards Lau and spoke.

Doc: I'm guessing your the brother?

Lau: Yea I am

Doc: Okay good we need to talk:

Lau: What's wrong with him


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