Im coming home

569 36 5

Larry's POV

The cop violently dragged me out of the house. All I could see is Lau's face still stained with his tears. Becca who was still trying to fight with the cops downstairs.

Becca: LET HIM GO !

Larry: Becca stop please I'm fine. The cop pushes me out the door and and I am blinded by all of the lights and soon they pushed my head into the car. Sooner or later the car started to move and we left the house.

Back at the house

Becca: Can you let go of me now? The cop releases her arms from his grip. "You can't just... She was cut off

Cop: I can and I did now go back and mind your business before I throw you in jail for lying to a cop.

Becca: Actually it's only illegal to lie in a court of law just lying to a cop is rude.

The cop said nothing he just rolled his eyes and walked away. Becca walked upstairs to check on Lau. When she opened the door Lau was on the floor with his hands in his face. The babies were sleeping on the bed.

Becca: Lau? Are you okay?


She kneels down on the floor.

Becca: Lau please talk to me.


She pulls Lau's arms away from his face .

Becca: We are going to get Larry back okay. It might take sometime but I promise he's going to be home soon.


She grabs his arms.

Becca: At least you should lay down. Lau finally got up and walked to his room. His eyes were completely blood shot red. He said nothing.

10:00 pm

Becca walked into Lau's room who stood in the same spot.

Becca: I made you a sandwich and got you a Sprite. I know your hungry .... Lau please eat.

He didn't move a muscle or even look at her.

Becca: Okay fine but I'll leave it here for you. She sighs.

Larry's POV

Cop: Now remove anything from your pockets and place it into the bin. When your done go down the hall third door to the left.

"Okii" sigh he did as the cop told him to when he walked to the door he hesitantly walked in. A lady was sitting at a table in the corner of the room.

Lady: Hello Mr. Bourgeois can you stand near the wall please.

"What is this what am I supposed to do?"

Lady: You just need to take a picture.

"Oh Okii"

Lady: just hold this and look at the camera. Now turn.

Back home

It's now 11:30pm and Ana walks through the door to see a nervous Becca sitting on the couch.

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