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I woke up to the sun peaking through the curtains. I've never felt better. I had my Bebe laying next no me and I'm finally home. Well for now at least...there was something I wasn't telling Lau and I felt guilty for it. For some reason I felt like he was reading my thoughts because he started to speak to me.

Lau: What's wrong? Why you no sleep?

Larry: What??

Lau: I'm kidding. He said rolling over and pecking Larry's lips.

Larry: Oh hahaha...

Lau: I'm just glad you back here with me.

Larry: About that Lau...


Larry: Im in house arrest until my court date which is next week.

Lau: Court?

Larry: Yea.... And Karmen is going to be there too.

Lau: What?! I thought you killed her crazy ass.

Larry: No I just damaged her throat really badly they said she could die at any time.

Lau: Oh I know she will, right in the middle of the court because I'm going with you and I'm gonna stab the bitch.

Larry: Noooo! You can't do that you'll be in jail.

Lau: I don't understand she kidnapped us why are you on trial.

Larry: I don't even know. But I don't want you to worry about it I'm here now.

Lau: No it's my job to worry about this your mine that crazy bitch almost kill my children. He said with tears running down his face. Now there gonna take you away too.

Larry: Aye no one taking me away all I have to do is find evidence and win the case and all charges will be dropped.

Lau: You act like that's so easy. Larry I can't .... Larry pressed his lips against Lau's.

Larry: I'm staying with you do you understand?

Lau: I love you Larry.

Larry: I love you too Lau.
3 days until court....

Larry slipped out of bed trying not to wake up Lau. He walk to Becca's room who was still sleeping.

Larry: Becca...* wisper*


Larry: Becca! He said louder

Becca: Huh???! What?!

Larry: Im sorry it's early but can you do me a favor?

Becca: Sure. What is it?

Larry: I need you to go to Karmen's house and get something to prove she's guilty.

Becca: Alone in her house.

Larry: please I need this to win my case.

Becca:Fine * sigh*....

(Short story but I'll update tomorrow thanks for the votes and comments that's what keeps me motivated😌)

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