Road trip pt 3

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I woke up to the smell of gasoline in the air. I slowly opened my eyes and realize we were at Wawa's. I looked down to see my baby still sleeping she so gorgeous and I looked to my left to see my Lau somewhat awake.

Ana: Guys... Guys get up were making a stop.

Larry: Good I kinda have to use the bathroom. He tapped Lau on the shoulder.

Larry: Lau Bebe...

Lau: huh?

Larry: Are you coming inside with me.

Lau: Yea ..... I have to change them anyway. He said scanning his surroundings.

Becca: I'm going in too I need to use the restroom.

Ana: So we'll all just go in. After filling the tank up Ana parked the car next to the store. They all got out and went their own separate ways. Larry and Lau went to the bathroom together.

Lau: Larry? He said as Larry walked out of the stall.

Larry: Yes?

Lau: Did I um...

Larry: Did you what?

Lau: Did I embarrass you yesterday during IHOP. Larry started to giggle.

Larry: Of course not. Don't get mad but it's kinda cute when your jealous. He giggled then kissed Lau's cheek.

Lau: Oh thanks... He started to blush.

Larry: Uh oh someone turning red. He smirked.

Lau: Leave me alone Larry. He said turning a brighter color of red.

Larry: Okii okii my bad. He threw his hands up in the air.

Lau: Can you please change Logan while I use the bathroom I already did Lauren.

Larry: Sure. He walked over to Logan who had a confused look on his face.

Larry: Morning buddy. You slept well didn't you. He changed Logan than put him back in his car seat. Logan then started to cry.

Larry: Oh I know what's wrong with you. You want your pacifier don't you?He said taking it out and putting it into his mouth. A couple seconds later Lau came out the bathroom and washed his hands.

Lau: I'm hungry... I'm going to get a sandwich.

Larry: Same

They both walk out to the express sandwich station. Lau got an Italian Sub.

Lau: Are you getting something?

Larry: Can I have half of your sandwich?

Lau: No but you can get your own.

Larry: Please... He quivered his lip and made his puppy dog eyes just like he did in IHOP.

Lau: Nooooo I'm hungry get your own. He said finishing his order.

Larry: Fine. He gave up and ordered his own sandwich. He got a Philly cheese steak. They both walked away to get their drinks. Larry got a Sprite and Lau got a cherry and blue raspberry Icce.

Lady: Number 207 your sandwich is ready.

Lau: Oh that's me. He walked over and was about to grab his sandwich.

Lady: Hey aren't you Laurent for Les Twins?

Lau: Yea that's me. He smiled.

Lady: Ohhh your dancing is amazing. I love your death drop.She said touching his hand.

Larry from a distance was watching all of this. He soon felt a little jealousy building up but he just let it go.

Lady: Number 208

Larry walked over to grab his sandwich and saw Lau and that lady talking. She kept smiling and giggling to everything he said. She was completely flirting with him but Larry still just ignored it.

Lady: Can I please get a picture. She begged.

Lau: Yea sure. The girl took out her camera and took a picture with him. After she quickly kissed his cheek with no warning and snapped a photo of that too.Before Lau could react Larry stormed over there.

Larry: Let's go Lau. He said agitated.

Lau: Hold on I'm talking to someone. He said not paying attention to Larry's attitude.

Larry: Really okay wow I'll be in the car. He walked away from Lau and started to payed for his food. The girl gave Lau a confused look.

Lau: I'm sorry I have to go. He said ending his conversation with the girl. He started to approach Larry.

Lau: Larry?

Larry: No go talk to your friend.

Lau: What? She just asked for a picture she was a fan.

Larry: Then why did she ki.... He stopped in the middle of the sentence.

Lau: She what? He said while placing his food in the counter and paying for it.

Larry: Never mind forget it. Larry grabbed the baby seats and started to walk out.

Lau: No tell me. He said stopping Larry on his way to the door.

Larry: Nothing

Lau: Tell.Me!

Larry: She kissed you! He said getting upset.

Lau: Wait are you really jealous? He said smirking.

Larry: ....

Lau: You are aren't you. *smirking*

Larry: Whatever. He said trying to get past Lau.

Lau: She kissed my cheek plus she just a fan but she doesn't get to do this. He kissed Larry's lips. Because that's your job. We already discussed this I'm your and nobody else's. Now stop being grumpy "Daddy." Those word completely changed Larry's attitude he soon lightened up.

Larry: Yea I know that I'm sorry.

Lau: It's okay your right it is kinda cute.He smiled.

Larry: Yeah I guess. He said walking out the store and back to the car with Lau right behind him. They all buckled up and were on the road again.

Becca: How many more hours left of this trip.

Ana: 5 more hours by the time we get there the GPS said it should be around 4pm.

Becca: Ughhhh. She then sighed.

Ana: Where are we staying again.

Larry: It's a hotel.

Lau: With what money??? We haven't had a gig in a while.

Larry: Just trust me Okii?

Lau: Alright fine. *sigh*

( If your reading this I hope your having a great day😊)

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