Roadtrip pt 2

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Larry's POV

We had just left IHOP. I can't believe Lau was about to attack that lady. I have to admit it's really cute when he gets jealous. It kinda turns me on. Don't get me wrong he's been upset with girls touching on me before but that was the first time I seen him ready to attack someone. He's adorable and I love him so much.

Lau's POV

He kissed me.... in public. I can't believe he really did that. He never does that we only kiss at home or in privet. Oh how I love his so much. That's why I couldn't help myself from getting angry. I mean she was all over something that was mine. I hope I wasn't too embarrassing.

Authors POV

The day started to fade away. They all passed the day along by singing songs in the car but that soon got boring. They then played mini car games which also got boring after a while It was now beginning to get dark. Lau look at the GPS. It was now

"1 day 2 hours left of this boring ride." He thought.

It was 8:00pm everyone was up except the babies who were peacefully in their car seats.

Becca: I'm hungry. She whined

Ana: Just eat your leftover pancakes like I did.

Becca: Oh yea that's right. She said smiling.

Becca took her seatbelt off and went into the trunk. She started to shuffle through the bags until she fount her pancakes that were a little cold but Becca didn't mine at all because food was food. All that noise she made caused Lauren to start fusing in her car seat. After a couple of seconds she started to have a full blown tantrum. That cause Logan to get mad and wake up. They were both crying.

Ana: Your too loud you woke them up. She sighed

Becca: I'm so sorry I didn't mean too. Now I feel really bad.

Lau: No it's okay don't be they need to eat anyway. Can you pass me the baby bag.

Becca: Sure . She went into the trunk and pulled the bag out passing it to Lau. He began making their bottle. He took the baby formula out and the water bottle and poured it in to the container . He began to shake them up.

Lau: I'm sorry it's not warm like you both like but this is all we have. He said giving the bottle to both of them. Logan and Lauren started to drink their bottles. They both stood quiet for a while. Logan soon fell back to sleep but Lauren started to fuss again after she finished her bottle.

Larry: What's wrong baby girl? He said trying to calm her down. Shockingly her screaming stopped for a minute. She was listening to what he was saying.

Lau: Maybe she needs to burp. Becca can you pick her up please?

Becca: Sure. She unbuckled Lauren's seatbelt and put Lauren head on her shoulder. She began patting on her back repeatedly. After a while Lauren did burped but that wasn't the only thing that's wrong with her.

Lau: Her diaper is clean I changed her. I don't know what's wrong with her.

Larry : Princess don't cry. He said looking at her through the mirror. Once again her crying stop after hearing Larry' s voice.

Lau: I think she wants you Larry.

Larry: Awwwww princess but I have to drive.

Ana: If you want I'll drive. You didn't get any sleep since yesterday and you need some rest.

Larry: Are you sure?

Ana: I would be glad to. You and Lau could sleep in the back I knows it's been a long day and Becca and I will move to the front.

Larry: Okii thank you so much.He said pulling the care over to the side of the road putting his hazard lights on. Ana, Larry, Lau and Becca all switched seats and were soon moving again.

Larry: Come on baby girl don't fuss. What's the matter? He picked her up and held her in his arms. He crying soon came to an end.

Lau: Awwww she did want you.

Larry: I guess she did. He smiled. His eyes soon became teary. He stared into her big brown eyes it reminded him of the day she was born. He couldn't be more happier to have his own children. She soon snuggled her head into Larry's chest and was fast asleep.

Lau: She's finally sleep.* wisper*

Larry: Good. His heart smiled nothing made him happier than having moments like these." I'll put her back in her seat now" he slowly lifted her off his chest but stopped when she started whining again. " Or not" he place her back on his chest. She clenched a piece of his shirt in her tiny baby hand. Larry couldn't help but smile. After a few minutes passed Larry looked over to see Lau sleeping with his head against the window. He had decided he should get some rest too. Soon his eyes began to get heavy and he felt sleep taking over his mind.

(Hope you like this father daughter scene. Sorry it was so short)

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