Good bye...

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Lau's POV

I opened my eyes and turned looked up to see Larry sleeping. His head was tilted back and his phone was in his hand. His other hand was still on my back. I feel so comfortable around around him. I slowly took his phone out his hand and checked the time... It was 8pm. Since we had time I checked his phone.... Yea I know I'm supposed to trust him but I just want to see. I entered his password unlocking his phone. My first instinct was to look at his contacts so I did. I went through his list. It's was Mama , Ana, Becca, a couple of his guy friends who I knew about, our sisters and brothers and their was a contact under " My baby" with my photo up there. He's so cute. I then went through his photos. He barely had any though. It was mostly pictures of me and him. Some were Mama and their were pictures of Lauren and Logan.

Larry: Watcha doing?

Lau: Shit! He dropped his phone.

Larry: You don't trust me? Why you looking through my phone like I be cheating on you

Lau: I do trust you... I was um... Checking the time.

Larry: In my pictures?

Lau: Fine I was being noisy... but I trust you I just wanted to see what was on your phone.

Larry: So you wouldn't mind me being noisy on your phone?

Lau: No go ahead.

Larry: Okii. He got up and grabbed Lau's phone. He entered the password and sat next to Lau. He went through his contacts. It was Larry " My world"
Becca, Ana, Mama and a couple of Lau's friends. Then he searched through his photos.

Lau: No! Not my photos

Larry: Why?

Lau: Because I take embarrassing photos.

Larry: I wanna see. He opened them. Lau had like three pictures of himself and the rest were Larry and pictures or Lauren and Logan. "These are cute what are you talking about?" He smiled

Lau: Thanks. He blushed.

Larry: Omg it's 8: 20 already

Lau: Yea

Larry: We have to go get ready.

Lau: You said we leave at 9

Larry : Yea but we have to call the driver

Lau: Oh then come on. He got up off Larry.

Larry: Okii. He opened his phone and called the driver while Lau grabbed their suite cases.

Lau: Where's are passports??

Larry: In my black book bag. He pointed on the floor.

Lau: Okij. He went in the book bag and took out the passports. He then placed it in the front pocket of the book bag.

Larry: It's 8:40.. The driver should be here by 9pm.

Lau: Okii. They both walked downstairs.

Mama: Is it time for you to go already?

Larry: Yea Mama

Mama: Oh my babies. She hugged them both.

Lau: Where is Lauren and Logan.

Mama: Becca and Ana have them.

Lau: Okii I'm gonna go in there.

Larry: Me too.

Mama: Okay. They walked into the guest room and saw Ana and Becca playing with the twins.

Ana: Hey guys..

Lau: Hey. He smiled and sat on the bed.

Becca: It's almost time for you to leave.

Larry: Yea it is.

Ana: We will give you guys some alone with the twins.

Lau: No it's fine... Come here baby. He grabbed Lauren. Ana sat Logan on the bed. "I'm gonna miss you both." He kisses them both.

Larry: Yea we are gonna miss you. He grabbed up Logan.

Ana: Awww

Mama: Guys your car is here. She yelled.

Larry: Okii we coming now...

Lau: I guess it's time for us to go... He said getting teary.

Ana: You'll be back in no time and with lots of stories too.

Lau: Yea. He wiped his face. " I'm gonna try to FaceTime you guys everyday.

Becca: Okii just call my phone.

Lau: I will. He placed Lauren down on the bed and kissed her. " Well it's time... Love you guys. He walked over to Becca and Ana and hugged them. Then he went to Logan and kissed him too. Larry did the Same. They both then walked downstairs. They hugged their mom and got in the car.

In the car...

Larry: How you feeling?

Lau: I'm excited it's just...

Larry: What?

Lau: I wonder what going to happen to us later on...

Larry: I don't know what's going to happen but I do know as long as I have you and my family I'm ready for it.

Lau: I love you Larry.

Larry: I love you Laurent. He grabbed his hand.

Larry's POV

I sat I the car thinking about how this all started with being kidnapped. I've been through so much pain and I brought Lau into it also. I know that from now on I'm gonna protect him and my two new bundles of joy. I'm a father now and I'm proud. So this is my story. My fucked up twisted story that led me to this moment here, to my new adventures to soon come. Yea it's no fairy tales but this is my story about how I Escaped... How we Escaped.

(Or is it?)

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