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Larry: Well I have a little problem.

James: What's wrong?

Larry: Do you remember Karmen the girl in our highschool.

James: Omg she was a phyco. She had the biggest crush on you ever. She literally tried to strangle any girl who stood near you. Remember Amy your lab partner... His eyes widened

Larry: Yea she tried set her hair on fire because she sat next to me. I recently saw her at the mall she seemed okay. Then that night she kidnapped me and Lau. I don't know how she found my house.

Jame: How did you get out. He said worried.

Larry: After nine months that girl in there with the curly hair her names Becca found me. And her sister saved my brothers life.

James: Do you need me to call the cops.

Larry: No man. She in jail but there was this note at my door. He pulled it out his pocket and handed it to James.
Then she burned my house down not knowing I wasn't in it. She was following me.

James: Man listen if you need anything let me know. Your welcome to stay here with your family. We have security and will make sure nothing happens.

Larry: I'm sorry this is all I have for a room. He took the envelope out of his pocket.

James: Your funny. He laughed " We are brothers man it's free keep the money it's fine."

Larry: Really? He said with relief.

James : Of course man. Let me just get you a room. He went on his computer and got him one of the nicest rooms they had." There we go now let me get the room cards and your all set."

Larry: Thank you so much man you don't understand how grateful I am.

James: No need I'm always here for you. He smiles. Then he hears a baby noise coming from the lounge area. He scrunched his face. He looked at Larry confused.

Larry: I'm sorry man that's my daughter.

James: You have kids?

Larry: Twins. He smiled " One girl and one boy."

James: I must be blind I didn't even see them.

Larry: I'll show you. They both walked into the room. He walked over to his princess sitting in her car seat and picked her up. " Say hi Lauren." She clenched onto his shirt.

James: Uh oh look like she's a daddy's girl. He tickles her stomach making her laugh.

Lau: Oh she is. Larry gave Lauren to Lau and took Logan out.

Larry: Say hi Logan. Logan just gave the most confused look ever.

James: You can tell he doesn't play when it comes to his daddy. He looks like he's ready to fight. He laughed.
I don't want any trouble little man.

Larry: He's normally like this. He's my little buddy. " Right?" He then grabbed Larry's nose. Larry scrunched his face up.

James: You have a beautiful family going on for yourself. But where's the Misses?

Larry: James about that....

James: I'm joking I already know it's Lau and I'm perfectly fine with it.

Larry: How?

James: Best friend instinct. Oh and I saw you kiss his forehead. It's wasn't any kiss like you guys usually do. This place full of cameras. But anyway follow me guys. Everyone got up and left the lounge.

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