2 minutes

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Guard: Get back inside. He aimed the gun at Larry. Everyone moved back slowly against the wall. The guy pulled his phone out. " Boss I found him." He put the phone on speaker.

James: Keep both of them there. If anyone leaves your gonna have to deal with her yourself. He hung the phone up.

Guard: Sit down! He yelled. Everyone slowly sat against the wall but Larry who struggled to move. Lau got up and removed Larry's hand from his cut.

Lau: Larry. He cried. His hand and shirt was completely covered in blood. " Ana do something!"

Ana: Lay him down on the floor and take his shirt off. Ana got up and walked to her bag.

Guard: Sit down!

Ana: Oh fuck you! He's fucking bleeding out! You wanna shoot me for doing the right thing be my guest... I'm a nurse. He said nothing he just look at her in shock. She took her medical kit out of one of the bags and sat next Larry.

Lau: Please Ana...

Ana: Hold his head. Now Larry this is going to hurt a bit.

Larry: Just do it. Ana started to clean his cut. Larry grinded his teeth together squirming around trying not to scream. As she wiped his cut blood filled the towel. She then took a bandage and tightly pressed it against the area.

Ana: Lau hold this piece... and Larry I need you to sit up for me.

Larry: I can't.

Ana: Look Larry I need you to try....Larry forced himself up into a sitting position. Ana the wrapped the bandage all around the waist.

Lau: Bebe are you Okii?

Larry: Yea I'm Okii. Larry sat up against the wall.

Lau: I'm sorry... he stuttered

Larry: Aye stop it. He said firmly. " You didn't do anything" he grabbed his hand.

James: Aww that's cute family reunion. He clapped slowly. " Now it has to end grab them."

Larry: No you wanna take me fine but only me. Leave Lau out of this.

James: Okay. That's fine she only asked me to get you any way. I'll spare him. He looked down at Jason who was still bleeding out. " You are worthless" Jason groaned

Jason: Help me. He begged holding on to his leg.

James: Don't worry I will put you out of your misery soon. He stepped over Jason.

Lau: Larry what are you doing?! He whispered in Larry's ear

Larry: What it takes to get you out of this.

Lau: Im not staying here without you!

Larry: Yes you are

Lau: You Promised Larry.

Larry: I have to.

Lau: You told me you wouldn't leave me again!

Larry: What choice do I have!

James: Hurry this up

Larry: Can I have time I'm not gonna see my family again!

James: 2 minutes. He closed the door.

Becca: Larry don't do this...

Larry: Can I hold my kids please.. Ana gave Larry Logan and Lauren. " Daddy's gonna miss you" he felt his voice getting weary. He kissed them on the cheeks. Then he looked at Lau who didn't want to look at him. Larry place his hand on his face. He guided his lips into Lau's. That was the most passionate kiss he ever gave Lau.

Lau: I love you. He whispered into Larry's ear.

Larry: I love you more than you'll ever know

Larry the hugged Becca and Ana.

Ana: No there has to be a way out of this!

Becca: Yea ...

Larry: No please don't make this harder then it has to be. At that exact moment James' guard walked up and approached Larry and grab his arm and violently dragged him to the door.

Lau: Stop! Lau got up and wrestled over Larry's arm. The guard push Lau on the ground. Then took out his gun.

Larry: STOP! The sound of the gun echoed through the hotel room. Then another followed by that one. Larry's heart completely stopped. The guard tumbled backwards falling and hitting the wall. A bullet hole through his head. His blood stained the white wall. James body fell into the hallway. The bullet wounded to the chest.Everyone looked back at the back of the room. Jason sat there on the floor. He struggled to hold the gun still. His hands shaking as he looks into Larry's eyes. In that moment Jason's weary body hit the floor dropping the gun by his side. He blacked out. Larry dropped on the ground next to Lau.

Larry: Bebe are you okay! He grabbed his face. Lau just nodded not able to say a word. Larry held him in his arms tightly. He could feel his twin shaking.

( Sorry its short but enjoy)

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