I miss you

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Ana: No I'm sorry officer but I'll let you know if I see anything.

Cop: Okay you have a good night.

Ana: Thank you. You too. She slowly closes the door and turns to Larry.
" I'm not going to tear a family apart"she said while looking at a picture of her parents on the wall. " Now good night I have to get some sleep."

Larry: Thank you.

Ana: "Just please stay out of trouble and out of sight both of you."She walked into her room and closes the door.

Becca: Um well good night guys..

Larry and Lau: Good night.

Lau: Larry you almost...he got cut off

Larry: I know. He laid down and placed Lauren on his chest and grabbed Lau's hand." Let's just go to sleep"

Lau: No Larry we have to talk about this.

Larry: Not now please later. Lau sighed

Lau: fine. He slipped his hand out of Larry's.

Larry: Are you really mad at me now ?

Lau: Good night Larry.

Larry sighed he took Lauren who was sleep and gently place her in the middle next to Logan. Larry didn't want to talk about this day. So much has happened since his last incident. Now he's a father of two children and wanted by police he didn't sleep that night.
The next morning

Larry sat in his bed. He saw Ana walk to the bathroom to get ready. He slowly got out of his bed and took out a orange envelope out of his coat. Ana Walked out of the bathroom and was surprised to see Larry up.

Larry: Can I speak to you for a minute.

Ana: Yea sure. Larry's hands Ana the envelope. "What's this?"

Larry: Just open it after work before you come home.

Ana: okay????

Larry: Don't worry it's not anything dangerous.

Ana: I know that. Well I have to go now but remember stay out of sight.

Larry: Yes how can I forget..

Ana grabs her coat and walks out of the door. Larry looked back at Lau and his sleeping babies. He walked over to Lau who was sleeping. He knew Lau was still mad at him so he had to make it up.

Larry: Bebe... wake up.

Lau: huh? What Larry?

Larry: I miss you. He said smirking. "I miss you a lot"

Lau: No Larry you know we can't ...
He felt Larry's hands move slowly into his boxers. He began to motion his finger back and forth onto of Lau's tip.

Lau: La-arry s-top

Larry: Are you still mad at me?

Lau: Yes

Larry's hand began to slide up and down Lau's member going slow then super fast. Lau's finger nails gripped the sheets. He knew Lau was going to cum but so he slowed down

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