Chapter one- one to many

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I hope you enjoy this because I really love this role play :) and it's an in going role play so there will be so much more :3
Thumbs way up in the air for the amazing @yaoirpforlife :3 love you <3
Cry took out his phone and texted Pewds, it had been a few weeks sense Pewds had come to stay down in Florida where cry was living at this time. after the big break up fight Pewds girlfriend had him leave his hotel room when he got there this was The first time cry got him to come out with him.

To Pewds
I'm on my way

From Pewds
Okay I'm waiting at the bar

Cry sighed softy and started walking down the sidewalk he was going to the bar with Pewds for a few drinks after everything that happened with marzia. Pewds rubbed his head and soon saw crys mask cry never took it off and he know cry would most likely never take it off. cry waved and smiled for behind the mask Pewds walked over and rubbed the back of his head cry put his Han on Pewds shoulder "how are you holding up?" He sighed and lolled at his feet "...I'm okay..." Cry sighed and nodded as they walked into the bar they sat at a table near the back.

After cry tired to cheer Pewds up with jokes he have up and they soon ordered some beer, Pewds took his glass and took a huge drink. cry had never really seen Pewds sighed and took a drink

"Pewds you should really slow down on your drinks" at this point it had been half an hour sense Pewds as him started drinking at the bar and Pewds was so drunk! Pewds smirked and looked up at cry "y-you know your really cute~" cry felt himself Blush but sighed softy "come on I'm taking you home" Pewds shook his head "no~ take me to your place~" cry sighed as nodded helping Pewds up an started pretty much dragging Pewds back to him place.

Pewds wrapped his arms around crys neck and smiled "Your so strong~" cry sighed puling Pewds along and opening the door in his house, he pulled Pewds in and closed the door when he turned Pewds pinned him tot he door "p-Pewds" cry felt a blush creep into his face Pewds smiled and lifted crys mask up a bit before cry could fix his Pewds pressed his lips to crys. it was a softy kiss which made cry blush harder Pewds pulled away and smiled walking over and pushing cry down onto the couch "p-Pewds your really drunk" Pewds only smiled more "I'm not at all drunk~" cry shook his head went to sit up when Pewds pinned him back down kissing his still showing lips. cry gripped his shoulders and closed his eyes tightly feeling Pewds tongue in his mouth.

Pewds pulled away a strand of silva running from crys mouth to his making him smirk more cry opened his eyes when he felt arms wrap around him "..cry... " crys opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around Pewds tightly. "Pewds..." Cry took a deep breath "I want to see your face.." cry close his eyes as bit his lip...he didn't know if he shoulder or not....he took a deep breath "..." He felt a kiss come to his lips again it was so tender and soft that it brought tears to crys eyes. he nodded after he pulled away from the kiss "o-okay...." Pewds smiled softly and kissed crys lips again cry pulled away and slowly started to take off his mask.

Cry closed his eyes and still kept going slowly until he no longer felt the heat of his own breath Pewds smiled softly at cry cupping his face "your so beautiful" cry blushed and opened his eyes a small smile on his face. right away he covered his face and closed his eyes tightly Pewds tried to pull cry hands away but they wouldn't move "Please cry" he shook his head and kept his hands there "please..." cry took a deep breath and moved his hands opening his eyes and feeling Pewds soft lips touch his, again it was a sweet soft tender kiss making cry close his eyes and wrap his arms around Pewds neck.

Pewds started to unbutton crys shirt which slalom slipped down and stopped at crys elbows, cry blushed and pulled away from the kiss panting slightly. Pewds smirked and kissed crys collarbone making cry tilt his head up as small bit. Pewds smirked once again and started to okay with crys nipples making cry cover his mouth and close one of his eyes.

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