Chapter 25 - only us

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Very soon after getting to the hospital they had to take Pewds back and didn't let cry come, ken parked and ran in finding cry on his knees sobbing hard in the middle of the ER. ken helped cry to the waiting room where they stayed for three hours then a doctor came out, cry looked up his eyes red and puffy she smiled weakly and pulled a chair over cry wiped his cheeks. she took a rather deep breath

"Felix was raped...badly..."

Cry eyes went wide as he gripped his sleeve more tears running down his cheeks, she rubbed her shoulder

"Right now we have him on some pain killers and he should wake yo soon you may wait in his room if you like"

Cry nodded as got up following the doctor, he looked back and ken shook his head telling him to go. cry nodded and walked into Pewds room, Pewds looked bad...more tears ran down his cheeks she rubbed his should and walked out closing the door. cry went over and pulled a chair close to Pewds bed he put his hand over Pewds and sniffed.

"I-I'm s-so s-sor-sorry I w-wasn't t-th-there soo-sooner..."

He griped Pewds hand tightly and started to sob hard putting his head down on the bed to keep his voice down as he sobbed harder, after a while cry slowly calmed down and looked up when he felt Pewds move a little bit. he looked up to see that Pewds eyes started to open


"Y-yeah I-I'm here f-Felix"

Pewds squeezed crys hair as tightly as he could but he was still very weak, tear ran down his cheeks as and closed his eyes tightly trying to pull cry closer to him. cry got up and wrapped his arms around Pewds tightly, Pewds hugged back and started to sob hard just like cry

"I-I w-w-was so sca-scared r-Ryan!"

"I-I kno-know s-so was I-i!"

Pewds hugged even tighter though it was still not very tight he shook hard and sobbed into crys shoulder, cry sat on the bed and held Pewds close to him....god Pewds was so skinny now...pewds sniffed and shook more. cry held him tighter and started to sob more he didn't want to but he just couldn't hold his tears back, he sniffed and rubbed Pewds back as the doctor walked in she smiled a small bit and walked over to the bed. Pewds wiped his eyes and sniffed

"I'm sorry to bother you but it's getting late..."

"I-I w-want Ryan t-to stay..."

"I'm sorry but we c-"

"He's my b-boyfriend!"

"...Oh I'm sorry I was not aware of that....ill see if he can stay"

Pewds nodded and watched her walk out, cry smiled weakly and hugged Pewds who hugged right back. Pewds started to calm down as cry rubbed his back

"I'm sorry I didn't make it there sooner felix.."

"Don't worry Ryan your here now and that's all that maters"


"Ryan..i love you"

"I love you too so very much I so so so! sorry you got this badly hurt"

"Ryan..I'm okay now you still saved me before he could do much worse then he already did..."

"I know but-"


Cry nodded and kissed Pewds forehead while they still hugged tightly, Pewds leaned up pressing his lips to crys. cry kissed back and closed his eyes as did Pewds who kissed more. after a moment of the sweet kiss Pewds pulled away making cry miss the feeling of oewds lips already. Pewds smiled a little bit and pressed hip lips to crys again. cry wrapped his arms lightly around Pewds neck and made the kiss deeper. Pewds pulled away bit there lips still touched.

"I missed your lips on mine...i love you so much"

"Felix I love you too"

Cry leaned up and kissed Pewds lips, the kiss felt so right and good their lips were meant for one another. Pewds laid cry down on the bed making cry get a bit worried that it would hurt Pewds. he pulled from the kiss and looked up at Pewds

"I don't want it to hurt you to move"

"Don't worry I don't feel much right now...but I do feel you...I want to feel you close to me right now"

Cry blushed and nodded leaning up to kiss Pewds lips softly, just having Pewds lips agents him make crys who badly tingle, he moaned very lightly into the kiss his body starting to get hot. Pewds smirked agents crys slips and licked crys bottom lip begging for entrance, cry blushed but gladly gave it to Pewds. cry ran his fingers through Pewds hair trying to be careful not hurt bring any kind of pain to Pewds.

There was a tapping on the door making Pewds pulled away from the tender deep kiss, cry blushed and sat up as the doctor walked in she smiled to them.

"Ryan you can stay for as long as you like"

"Okay thank you..."

Pewds smiled a little bit, the doctor walked out and cry blushed then sighed softly

"It's kind of late...we should sleep"

"Your right we can do more when I'm better"

Cry blushed more but nodded, he kissed Pewds cheek as they laid on the bed cry would be able to sleep so much better being with Pewds.

"Good night Felix I love you"

"And good night Ryan I love you more"

"I love you the most"

"But I love you the best"

Cry smiled and closed his eyes as did pewds, they were soon both asleep cuddling close to one another.

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